Lyx took a second to think "[color=9e0b0f]my thoughts[/color]" he said "[color=9e0b0f]well it's nice to have found more werewolves, maybe them and Ian will get along though with them all being alphas i wonder how that will go. and i'm glad to see that dragons haven't completely disappeared, it's been awhile since I've last seen one. that other vampire, Dr. Name it was, i could tell he was turned, not born like me, but...he seemed weak. as for the half-breeds and the phoenix, well i don't really have anything special to say about them[/color]" "[color=9e0b0f]but as for unicorns, by the spirits i think the last time I saw one was three maybe four thousand years ago, I remember the scent well, they always smell so...sweet[/color]" Lyx leaned forward and took two short sniffs of the air in front of Aza's face then leaned back again with a grin. "[color=9e0b0f]and for the inn itself, it seems a comfortable place to stay but it might be awhile before i really call it home[/color]"