[color=0072bc]Characters: Simon, Albert[/color] ------------------------------ [i]Beepbeepbeep...beepbeepbeep...beepbee-click![/i] Simon yawned, one hand on the alarm, the other wedged firmly under his body, as he raised his head blearily from the pillow. Sleepy eyes stared at the burning red numbers, signaling that it was indeed time to wake up, despite his own internal protests. The hybrid slowly rolled over, trying to rub his eyes, and ended up punching himself in the face when he realized his other arm was entirely numb from lack of circulation. A grumble, and the hybrid slowly rose to his hooves, giving another loud yawn and ruffling his hair. The tingles started to move up his limb as he turned on his shower and tried to shake the blood back into circulation. He stepped into the water, still bleary eyed as he scrubbed his rump with a long handled brush. In the loft above his cafe, the llama hybrid had set up simple living quarters. On one side, a gargantuan mattress covered most of the room, a custom sized bed specifically for a creature of his size. Large heavy blankets tossed casually to one side. The room was mostly open and devoid of furniture short of a high dresser and rather sizeable mirror. The bathroom was essentially one large shower, able to fit his bulk in, albeit tightly. Down below, the cafe felt more like a lounge room than an actual restaurant. Large, well worn couches sat in lowered depressions. Armchairs and tables, all a deep red and simply designed, were spread out around the well carpeted store. The windows had heavy burgundy curtains drawn shut with thick rope cords. Simon pulled a large mint green sweater over his head, the blow dryer aimed with one hand at his lower half. A quick brush, and the hybrid was trotting down the steps into his cafe as the first rays of light began to peak in through the window, hair on both halves somewhat wild and poofy. He was most definitely not a fan of the morning, as he went about setting up the restaurant. Rolling up the curtains, turning on the lights, and letting various machines warm up and prep. He poured a cup of orange juice for himself before a soft knock on the door gave him a smile. His hooves clicked over the tile behind the front counter as he headed to the door, unlocking it and allowing the human inside. [color=39b54a]"It's freaking cold out there this morning."[/color] The man pulled his scarf down, pierced lips grimacing at the hybrid. Simon grinned at the young boy, one of his three total employees. Diehlstadt was not particularly fast paced or rowdy, so the Corner Garden was rarely rushed except during very specific times of the year. Albert was a nice boy, if your typical teen. Hormonal, moody, and believing in his inhuman knowledge of all things. Still, he worked hard and was reliable and polite. [color=39b54a]"Good morning Albert."[/color] Taking a sip of his juice as the moody teen walked over to the counter to get his apron and begin setting the rest of the kitchen up, Simon decided to leave the door unlocked and open a few minutes early. He already started to smell the coffee brewing, which unfortunately made his stomach pull a loop. He hated the stuff. But what was a cafe without coffee? He ruffled his hair and flipped the sign to Open, giving another wide yawn as he helped the boy begin baking the morning pastries and stock the case with breads. ------------ As the sun rose over the town, finally breaking the top of the sea of pinetrees surrounding it, a plethora of creatures began to stir. Cars trundled by as a griffon swooped low, nodding a greeting to the mermaid wheeling her way to the lakeside. Children hopped onto a bus, bumping shoulders with young imps and cherubs on their way to school. The occasional staring passerby revealed tourists and newcomers to the townsfolk, who simply headed towards their jobs and went through their morning routines. Underneath a pitch black umbrella, a vampire grumbled about the lack of cell service, on his way home from the graveyard shift at some 24 hour diner. Just another normal day in Diehlstadt, the so called Mythical Town.