°: Okay so, this indicates another charge, taking the count up to two. Since this will likely be more practice than anything, I'll try to set up different scenarios so you can see everything. Based off your posts I can't readily see any charges on your behalf. In that case, that would put any expectant attack I use that involves the Chi in my sword, say a blast, two points ahead of your defenses. For instance, should you be able to use a Force Shield, it would have one charge(or zero [@Skallagrim] can probably verify), meaning my attack would break through and do damage to you(chances are, if you're shielding, you can't dodge, or you would have and kept the charge). It wouldn't be a terrible amount of damage, one charge and all. But in general 1 attack charge = 1 defense charge. I'm not 100% sure what happens if you have more defense charges/use your more charged magic for defense, in terms of damage to the attacker. But for now, we can go two paths. I just charged, so, you can either: Block it, and charge an attack(force), or do that, and try to hit me to negate my second charge, concentration and all. Or you can continue on however you prefer, honestly. Hahaha. T1 allows for non-magical based attacks to be used in conjunction with charging magical attacks, so long as your charging doesn't require you being stationary, or some type of ritual.