On the opposite side of [i]Corner Garden[/i] garden sat [i]Nerd's Paradise[/i], a cleverly named electronics store - or at least Anna thought it had been clever. She had never planned to rent out a corner shop across the way to such a popular little cafe, but she just counted her good fortune to have the exposure. Even though Anna wouldn't have called most people in this town [i]'nerdy'[/i] they still came by to check out her console games, HDTVs, laptops, and computer repair service. She was fairly good at repairing what small problems had too from hardware issues, user errors, or viruses. It was Friday though and the morning was a bit chilly, meaning it'd probably be a slow day. Anna had caught up on her work and glanced up at the slow rays of sunlight creeping through her front window and shrugged to herself, figuring she might as well flick the OPEN light on. She had spent all night playing a strategy game on the main computer downstairs that also served for transactions and taxes purpose - really anything business related - but had earned enough money to have a buffed up three-thousand dollar computer to play games on too. Not having to sleep had it's advantages and she popped up as if she had just slept all night and looked outside. As she was pulling the small chain that would let everyone know she was open for business, she saw that one naga slither into the [i]Corner Garden[/i]. She seemed to love that place, she noticed and smirked to herself. She had always been curious, but she would never be so forward to just walk in and say hi. It wasn't her style. She supposed that was why when Kirei mentioned she needed a place, Anna was a bit surprised at herself for offering her a bed at her place - at least for now. It had only been a day since the spider-woman had moved in, so it was hard to say what would happen in truth ... but she was slightly worried it might get a bit complicated. She did reason that Kirei was likely into men though, so nothing [i]complicated[/i] would happen. Anna rolled her eyes as she spun back around, her kitty tail flicking in the air. This is what she got for not sleeping; sometimes she had to curse her own wandering thoughts and the fact she got bored if she wasn't consistently doing or thinking of [i]something[/i]. Her eyes slide across the image of the upstairs, curious if her new room mate would be up anytime soon and questioned herself a few times now - weren't spiders like nocturnal or something? What did she know though? She hadn't a lot of experiences with all these new races, even if she had strange, lingering, ghost-like memories and thoughts of what must've been a past life ... [i]'Oh well,'[/i] she lazily thought to herself and plopped back into the chair and went right back to her game with almost no sound - just enough for her sensitive ears to catch the soothing music of a strategy game.