Gelato's eyes widened somewhat as the monkey tailed Kota took out a tiny little capsule, surprised he was going to simply hand over his lunch like that to him? Who knew people were so kind! The huge pterodactyl like albino dinosaur started to blush, causing a bright pink pigment to caress his rounded cheeks before he used two his his sharp claws to carefully take the capsule from the boys hand carefully, as to not hurt him. [b][color=f49ac2]"Huh? You're just handing this over? Really? Wont you be hungry too though? Well... I don't know what to say other than thank you, i guess! I'l put it to good use! Never took a capsule before... Here's hoping they taste good!"[/color][/b] With glee the large dinosaur extended its maw as wide as it could possibly manage, despite the capsule only being pill sized, he slowly dropped it into his mouth, hoping it would help him savour the taste of his magical capsule food device. However upon dropping into his fanged maw, closing it instantaniously afterward, the dinosaurs face twisted, the capsule didn't taste like food at all, it tasted like plastic and medicine mixed into one, a putrid taste which sickened him the longer he kept its taste inside his mouth, and with regret he swallowed it, grimacing comically from the experience. "The disgusting taste of a capsule will never overcome the taste of a 8 course meal, that's for sure!" He thought to himself. However to make the small human like Kota happy, Gelato tried his best to give a big smile, hesitantly speaking, trying to make the boy feel accomplished, forcing the words out of his mouth, while at the same time, his large potbelly growled louder than before. [b][color=f49ac2]"M- mmm! That... was... so tasty...! It... was really nice! And so filling too...! Thanks so much...! [/color][/b] Oh Kami, why did he eat the capsule...? Now he was even hungrier than before. "the capsules, they do nothing!" he continuously thought to himself, before standing over Kota, contemplating on what to do, he thought once more... "I mean... Eating another person is bad... But... no! That is a bad Gelato! No eating innocent people! We don't need to be reminded about the amputee leg incident, do we? Good!" All Gelato could do now was try to talk to forget about the hunger which made itself painfully obvious, hoping it would go away with time. [b][color=f49ac2]"So... Human? Are you a contestant as well?"[/color] [/b]