[h3]Sophia]/h3]Sleep was a luxury that the jackal woman did not always take advantage of. Surely in the past she required it much more often as a human. It was hard to recall exactly, it was so long ago. Much of that life was lost in her memory. It was slightly sad really. The draw of returning never quite left her mind though. Of course there was no way she could have anticipated the changes to, well, everything that occurred. [indent]Her exit from the human world was in 1830. France was only just getting things moving with the Industrial Revolution. How that turned out she had missed entirely and now... now they had large metal birds with wings that didn't move soaring through the air. Even after moving to Diehlstadt the shock of everything was overwhelming. Humans seemed very chaotic, emotional, and foreign now. Nothing appeared to be the same. There was much to learn, not the least of which was English which was the common tongue at this land. Thankfully she was a rather quick learn of such things and took to it in short order. In her mind it lacked elegance compared to that of her people. But she could not expect anyone to learn the other way around on account of her. Having been secluded from every other species humans were not the only ones she had to learn about. Initially she had worried that she would never be able to catch up on all she'd missed. But then she found an archive, or as they called it, a library. Whatever the name it was a wealth of historical documentation and fiction. How her species was perceived Sophie found slightly amusing. They would only allow her to check out five beeks at a time. It was a painfully small amount and did not sate her thirst for knowledge. Inquiring how she could read more or somehow have easier access she was introduced to the concept of working there. To many this offer would probably sound rather dull. Stocking, checking out books, directing people to this or that shelf all the time. But to the young jackal it was a wonderful opportunity. When not disturbed she could read all she wanted and was constantly introduced to new concepts and information. Having found her place she again restarted life, this time as a librarian.[/indent] Reading all night she only stopped as the sun had risen, light streaming through the blinds hung in the windows. Often she could be found in the library at any hour, day or night. However she knew that she needed to break the stalemate of isolation. Mornings were good for that. People had their early hour rituals that often meant mingling at this or that place. Coffee was apparently the customary drink of choice. She had yet to understand why, what with it's awfully bitter taste. Though perhaps attempting to make it herself was the issue. Either way she had not tried it again since. Observing the clock her place of work would not open for another hour so she had a little free time. Placing a bookmark she put away her reading and stepped outside, locking up behind her. As expected people were moving about in preparation for the new day. Making a deliberate path she navigated to the cafe. Socializing was still somewhat tricky for her, only just developing interests that others could relate to. Or at least for those that have interests in human things. All the rest would have to wait else her head would explode from too much at once.