A man in a Hakama stood in front of her, sword out and ready. It was obvious enough that he was ready to fight. Perhaps it had been because she had ate a human? Such fickle creatures they are, not knowing their place on the food chain. After a few seconds the man was easily on the ground with her standing over him. He wasn't dead, just injure--. The sounds of explosions resounded through the forest behind her and a pain jolted through her body starting at her shoulder. As she grasped the spot she turned around to see just what happened. Five men holding very strange long sticks with smoke emanating from a hole in the front. Whatever it was, she didn't want to feel it again, so she started to run, only to trip as the swordsman on the ground grabbed her leg. The men with explosive sticks got closer and pointed them at her. It was then she closed her eyes awaiting the worst. [i]THUMP[/i]. Kirei felt a great pain surge as her whole body hit the floor. Normally she was safe enough in her web hammock to not fall out of it onto the ground however, this case was a little bit more extreme than normal. "I wonder why I even had that dream. Nothing like that's happened in a long time." She muttered. It was suppose to be a little backwater town. The fact they got guns was a surprise to her at that time, but pointless now. She looked around at the space she was now sharing. She felt out of place to be sure. It was all bright colors that made one feel like they'd be blinded if they look too long. Then there were the "adorable" pictures of kittens and puppies and then a lavender field and a mountain that reminded Kirei of "home". "I should probably get my day started." The Jorogumo muttered as she started to head to the door downstairs. Luckily she caught herself before heading down for she was wearing the equivalent to a bathing suit. She didn't want her clothes to stick to her web, so she wore what she thought wouldn't stick to it. Apparently it work as well as planned, otherwise she'd have not smacked her head on the floor. "I should probably get dressed." The wardrobe was nicely divided between her things and Anna's. The styles of clothes were easy enough to differentiate anyway, but it made it easier sort through things. Kirei decided on a pair of pants, a blue shirt, and her favorite leather jacket then headed downstairs, where she knew Anna would be. Unconsciously quiet, Kirei walked down the stairs and found Anna playing one of her games again. She wasn't so sure about these things since she lived in the mountains most of her life. "I thought you had a store to run." She slightly joke from not too far behind Anna.