Hi, I noticed your interest check and I figured I'd come straight to the OOC to ask a few questions. 1) Besides the basic rules and setting, is there anything that I should know before getting into this RP? Cause I'm definitely interested but I don't want to be a hindrance by not knowing certain things I should know for the plot. Basically, is everything I need to know in the first post of the OOC? Or do I need some outside knowledge? 2) For classes, I was thinking of running a character that would kind of be like a warrior but not in the traditional sense. I was thinking of running a warrior that is more like a "thug" type of character of sorts. It'd have a background that's based more in a thief style background (raised by the streets, yada yada) but instead of learning to pick pocket, they learned how to fight dirty. Like cheap shots, using things from their environment to fight, hidden weapons, even poisons to fight. If you don't want me to do this I can think up a more traditional style of character. Also, it's nice to see some more old faces from the guild. I'm finding that most people that came from the old guild have moved on.