[center][h1][color=aqua]Umichi[/color][/h1][/center] Hearing Suki say [color=bc8dbf]"Sounds good"[/color], and follow after him, Umichi walked over to a table and sat down. It seemed that Ritaka and Aikoto had gone to do other things, without telling them. Seeing a menu pop up, Umichi went on to order the Katsudon. A standard pick for himself. Also, it felt like it would help him finish this game, having Katsudon as his first meal. Turning to Suki, he smiled seeing her smile and relaxed. She then squirmed, looking around again. Umichi wondered what she was doing. Then she suddenly shifted slightly, speaking to him, [color=bc8dbf]"hey, Umichi...What do you think's going to happen back home?"[/color] Umichi leaned back, folded his eyes and took a deep breath. [i]Back home huh ... Wonder what's the best way to say some of this[/i] he thought for a moment. Leaning back forward, he spoke to her, [color=aqua]"Well, it's likely, that, people will be sad, they will be upset, and may despair a little."[/color] He paused for a moment. [color=aqua]"But, they will hold on. They will hope and pray for us to come back to them. They probably don't know what it's like in here. They don't know, if we are fine or not, happy or sad. Nonetheless, we must be strong. We should live on, to answer those hopes and prayers. Instead of making them worry, we should do what we can, and have fun while doing it. You don't want your family and friends to end up sad right? I'm sure they also don't want you to be sad. So, do your best, and smile. Try to have some fun. There's so much to do in this world, so why not live a little? I am sure they would prefer it if you were at least having fun all the way. That they would want to hear of the fun when you return to them. Until then, stay strong and be happy."[/color] Looking towards her, he gave a soft, kind smile. [color=aqua]"So let's do our best, and have fun doing it. Okay?"[/color] Umichi wasn't sure what to really say, he tried his best to comfort her at least. However, in the end, he believes he needed to hear those words for himself. Words to give him strength as well. He then apologized, a little randomly, [color=aqua]"Sorry. I am not sure if you wanted to hear something like that. Especially what I said at the start. Anyway, what did you order?"[/color] As he spoke, Umichi could see that Ritaka was coming back. [color=aqua]"Hey, where did you go? You seem awfully pleased with yourself. Anyway, you should sit down and order something to eat."[/color] He suggested. [@Caits] [@Savo] [@Ebil Bunny] [hr] [center][h1][color=thistle]YukiHana[/color][/h1][/center] Before Nagayama and Jax left to search, YukiHana could hear her name. [color=00FF21]"HANAKO!!!"[/color] Jumping up, she tried to look around, however, her tears blurred her vision. She sniffled one last time, and said, [color=thistle]"I can hear him."[/color] She turned her head around but still couldn't see. [color=thistle]"OJII-SAN!!!!![/color] She called out once more. [color=thistle]"WHERE ARE YOU, OJII-SAN!!!!?"[/color] YukiHana continued to call out. Lowering her voice to speak to Jax and Nagayama, [color=thistle]"Can you see Ojii-san?"[/color] She started to wipe away her tears in an attempt to clear her vision a bit. [@Stale Pizza] [@Eklispe] [@Thanatos] [@Animus]