[hider=*An hour before the tournament began*] In a decently large city, atop one of the many skyscrapers stands a lone figure, the light of the sun gleams off it's form as it overlooks the city. Maximus, an android made to defend humanity, watches the civilians on the street far below, as well as the rest of the people in the city by sensing their energy signatures. Maximus looks to his right as he notices slight fluctuations in the low power levels that populate the city, from that direction the faint sound of police sirens can be barely heard over the wind, this adds to Maximus's suspicions. Slowly, his feet lift off from the roof and less than a second later he blasted off towards the disturbance he sensed moments before. As he nears the location of the sirens, the sound of gunfire fills the air as well as shouting, when Maximus comes into view of the scene he spots a flipped over suburban, taking cover behind it are four masked individuals with firearms, that were freely opening fire on any policeman in sight, besides that there are two police cars that have been shot multiple times in attempts to shoot the officers taking cover behind them. Maximus having quickly put the situation together in his head floated down to the ground in between the offenders and the officers, and for a moment, besides the sirens blaring it got relatively quiet, something about Maximus's appearance had momentarily surprised the offenders and the officers, the way his head was tilted down slightly towards the offenders gave them the feeling that his somewhat expressionless face was glaring at them, it unnerved them, but not for long. One of the offenders leveled a handgun at Maximus, aiming directly for his chest while glaring at the robotic like being that landed between them and the police. . "Hey freak!, what do you think your doing looking at us like that, do you have a death wish?!" The gunman exclaimed which led to the other offenders to level their weapons at Maximus as well, though he showed no fear as they did so, from behind Maximus one of the police officers had become agitated by this armored strangers actions and wouldn't let it stand. "hey what are you stupid? what the hell were you thinking landing in the middle of a gun fight?! your fancy armor isn't going to protect you against bullets!! get out of here!!!" The officer exclaimed as she peeked over the cover of her damaged police car, though as if he never heard her, Maximus kept staring at the criminals who were becoming increasingly agitated by this guy's attitude. Then a low toned droning robotic voice came from Maximus. . [color=Silver]"offenders... cease and desist at once... otherwise your punishment will be severe"[/color] He said to them as he closed his hands into fists, lowering his head ever so slightly making him appear quite intimidating, the criminals seemed taken aback from his demand, mostly because of how he sounded when he spoke, the rest of it being of his demand, it was outrageous and entirely unacceptable, this guy had to learn a hard lesson about what messing with them meant. As if the same thought was telepathically thought at the same time, all four gunmen opened fire, and Maximus stood his ground. The bullets firing from the guns sped towards their target and each was looking like it was going to hit Maximus, and they did, the sound of bullets zipping around after ricocheting off Maximus's armored body filled the air, the police took cover behind there vehicles while the criminals continued to fire carelessly. [color=Silver]"you are endangering possible bystanders, stand dow-"[/color] Maximus tried to say before the distant sound of a cry of pain reached him, just as the criminals stopped firing they went to reload, but were stopped as they stared at the armored being they just emptied their clips into, his armor wasn't even dented, let alone had any marks on it from the gunfire. . "what the hell's that armor made of?!" One of the criminals exclaimed and he quickly reloaded, the others didn't bother to answer while they were fumbling with the ammo magazines they were trying to put into their weapons. Maximus turned his head to his left in the direction the cry of pain came from, a young teenager who was watching the scene from what she believed to be a safe distance had been hit in her left leg by a ricocheting bullet and was now on the ground, holding her leg in pain. Slowly Maximus looked back to the criminals, his fists clenching tighter in what one could assume was anger, as the criminals finished reloading they took aim. "it doesn't matter what that armor's made of, everything has a breaking point!" The leader of the criminals exclaimed as he glared at the armored being in front of them, who had begun to hover off the ground. Before the criminals had a chance to pull their triggers Maximus flew towards them as fast as he could, closing the distance in the blink of an eye, in a blind panic the criminals opened fire, and one by one the guns shattered in half, stopping the gunfire from continuing. The criminals stood in fear as the seven foot tall armored being glared down at them, they dropped the remains of their firearms as they all took a few short steps back. . [color=Silver]"I gave you a warning, and you willingly didn't heed it, now you will face retribution"[/color] Maximus droned towards the Criminals who were frozen in fear, except for the leader who had to get in the last word. . "f-f*ck yo-" Was all the leader of the criminals could say before he realised the an armored fist had buried itself into his torso, a look of agony mixed with shock took over his expression of anger as the fist was quickly pulled away, the leader took a few steps back while holding his stomach in pain before he passed out and fell to the ground. The other criminals barely had time to realise what had happened before they found themselves also passed out from pain, Maximus stood in the middle of the passed out criminals, looking down to them before he turned and began walking away. The police officers who had been watching this whole time were awestruck for a moment at what just happened, but quickly coming to their senses they moved out from the cover of their vehicles and approached the knocked out criminals, putting cuffs on them without hesitation. While the male officer started to move the knocked out criminals to the police cars with relative ease, the female officer had turned to look at the armored being walking away, she jogged over to the being and called out to get his attention. . "hey big guy!" Maximus had stopped walking and looked toward the officer, assuming she meant him. "I don't know who you are, but thank you, you really helped us out of a tough situation" She said with an honest smile, to which Maximus nodded in reply before he turned to walk away again. The officer felt a little insulted, she at least expected this stranger to say something. "hey, where are you going?" She asked him, when she looked a little past him she noticed the injured teenager who was attempting to stop the bullet wound on her leg from bleeding, a look of worry grew on the officer. . [color=Silver]"she requires medical attention"[/color] Maximus stated as he kneeled down to the girl who looked at him with uncertainty, he gently picked her up in a bridal style carry, one hand firmly clamped over the bullet wound to stop the bleeding, the teenager cringed with a slight cry of pain. [color=Silver]"I will bring her to the nearest hospital for treatment" [/color] . "hey wait!, before you go, who are you?" The officer asked, obviously she was a little more concerned about the injured teen, but she wanted to be able to tell the other officers about what happened. . [color=Silver]"I am Maximus"[/color] Maximus stated clearly before be took to the air with a flicker of his silver aura, the teenager yelped as she held on tight to Maximus's neck, her eye's clenched shut. In less than a minute Maximus had spotted a hospital and without hesitation he flew towards it, some citizens had caught the glint of light coming off the armored being's body from their peripheral vision and looked to it, as they watched Maximus landed with a gentle thud with the teen in his arms who had slowly opened her eye's, a look of relief grew on her as she seen herself being carried inside the medical building. Maximus's appearance had caught the eye of a few medical staff members, as the tall armored being carried the girl through the lobby he approached one the nurses who looked like they weren't busy with anything at the moment. His loud heavy footsteps got the nurses attention, when the nurse turned around he was shocked to say the least at the sight before him, but before the nurse could say anything Maximus spoke. [color=Silver]"this young woman requires medal attention, she has a bullet wound in her left leg"[/color] He informed the nurse, who had looked to the girl in Maximus's arms, fortunately there was a gurney nearby, which Maximus took the initiative and gently placed the girl down on it, he looked to the nurse who had informed a nearby doctor, they looked like they were preparing to go to work on the girls leg immediately, Maximus looked to the teen reassuringly. [color=Silver]"you're going to be okay, keep pressure on your injury until told otherwise"[/color] The teen nodded with a smile, as Maximus let go of the bullet wound the girl firmly grabbed hold of it, cringing again as she kept pressure on it, Maximus then made his way out of the hospital, a few nurses and doctors passing him to aid the teen he had brought in, with that done he left the building and took flight shortly after, during the flight he looked to the hand he used to stop the girls bleeding, his armored hand had become covered with the red liquid, he stared at it for a moment, then with a slight flare of his aura the blood was blown clean off his hand. Once again he found himself standing atop a skyscraper looking down below, though protecting the people from everyday felonies did bring him some form of fulfilment, it was in a way, boring. He thought to himself that his creators had went slightly overboard in his creation, to make him this powerful if he was meant to deal with petty criminals that couldn't even harm him was a little more than overkill. While he was thinking this though something caught his attention, he looked off in the distance to where he was reading multiple higher than average power levels gathering together, now this could be interesting he thought to himself. Maximus hovered up off the roof of the skyscraper and with a flicker of his silver aura he blasted off in the direction his scanner picked up the power levels, it was quite some distance away so he funneled his energy into the boosters on his back, the boosters lit up with power as energy was funneled through them, greatly increasing his speed, easily breaking the sound barrier as he sped through the sky towards the location of the power levels.[/hider] *minutes before the tournament began* Maximus sped through the air, closing in on the tournament area without knowing, some civilians were just minding their own business when suddenly they ducked as a sonic boom shook the ground, they looked up to see if they could spot what they assumed to be a jet flying overhead, but they had no luck spotting whatever it was as Maximus sped off. Seconds later Maximus slowed down and descended to the ground, landing with a heavy thud on the sidewalk, drawing a few stares from some people passing by. Maximus looked around and began walking in the direction of the tournament, following the power levels he sensed earlier, when he arrived at the tournament entrance he looked up at the sign, reading it to himself before looking to the person standing at the entrance, not thinking to much on it he decided to walk on in, but before he could do so the person who was looking at a clipboard and writing something down stopped him. "sorry sir, the viewing stand entrance is over there, this is the competitor entrance" The staff member said to Maximus without looking up from what he was doing, Maximus looked over to the other entrance where people were still flooding in to get their seats, he then looked to the staff member again. Noticing the person who approached him hadn't left yet, the staff member looked up and was slightly taken aback from the sight in front of him. . [color=Silver]"I desire to enter the event"[/color] Maximus droned to the staff member who seemed conflicted. . "o-oh, right, um I'm afraid your just a little late, the tournament's about to begin, and even if you weren't late, I don't know if you haven't heard but... wearing that much armor is kind of against the rules..." The staff member regretfully informed the seven foot tall armored being in front of him, the staff member would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly intimidated, Maximus looked down to his chest and then his right hand and closed it into a fist. "h-hey, those are the rules I didn't make them!" The Staff member pleaded as he raised his arms defensively and closed his eye's when he seen Maximus close his armored hand into a fist. Maximus then lowered his arm and looked to the staff member . [color=Silver]"I am not wearing armor..."[/color] Maximus droned the staff member, who lowered his arms and opened his eye's with a confused expression. . "what do you mean?" The staff member asked in a curious tone, but before he could get an answer he felt a hand clasp his left shoulder, another staff member with a smile had walked up to him. . "aw come on, let the guy enter, haven't you seen what we already allowed in? a girl with four arms, a guy dressed up as a wizard, and a guy who painted himself to look like he was made of metal" The other staff member said with in lighthearted tone. . The fist staff member looked to the second before looking to Maximus. "w-well, even if we were to let him in the tournament has already begun" As if on cue the crowd began to cheer as the announcer began to announce the first fight. "and if he was to enter who would he fight in the first rounds, he'd be the odd one out" The staff member explained to the second staff member who looked puzzled, then a deep voice called out to them in an powerful tone. . "Well, worry no more!" A six foot tall, white skinned, buff muscled man wearing no shirt, blue pants, dark brown shoes, with only a small curl of light brown hair above the center of his forehead, chiselled features, light green/grey-ish eye's, and a thick light brown mustache that curled slightly at the ends approached. Maximus and the two staff members looked back to the man who was wearing a smug grin under his mustache. "Sorry for being late, but now I, Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm! have arrived!" Then he struck a pose and flexed his muscles, one could swear there was sparkles shining around him when he did so, the two staff member's eye's twitched slightly while Maximus just tilted his head a little. "I've come to join the tournament, I was held up by something, and I feared that I was too late and that I would be the odd one out, but I happened to have overheard your conversation, and my hopes were revived!" Strong-Arm exclaimed intensely as he struck another pose and flexed. The first staff member stared for a few minutes but then chuckled nervously. . "o-okay, um, I guess you can just head on in to the waiting room eh-heh-heh..." Strong-Arm nodded and entered the competitor entrance, as Maximus went to follow Strong-Arm the staff member's stopped him once more. "before you go, you have to tell us your name, so the announcer knows what to say when your up" . [color=Silver]"I am designated as Maximus"[/color] He said to them in his droned tone of voice, the second staff member nodded with a smile and went off to inform the announcer while the first staff member wrote both Maximus's and Strong-Arm's names down on the clipboard and allowed Maximus to enter. Maximus walked calmly towards the waiting room, and surprisingly quietly as well, to those who weren't paying close attention to their surroundings, specifically the back entrance a few moments after Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm entered the waiting room for the fighters while the a fight was going on they would have been completely oblivious to Maximus's presence as he quietly entered the room and stood still just to the left of the entrance of the waiting room, waiting for his turn to fight.