Beginning to grow bored of Simon's unobservant nature, the Naga was ready to call out his name and scare him on purpose. That is until a strange woman entered the small cafe and froze in place when her gaze set upon the large Naga woman. Her attention was turned to this new arrival, slitted eyes inspecting her with scrutiny. This woman must be new to this mythical town or has, at least, never seen a Naga before, judging from petrification and the terrified look on her face. A smirk slowly crept along her face, her eyes seeming to brighten in their intensity. The look on this stranger's face was comical and, if she had a camera, she would've taken a picture and added it to her scrapbook. Her gaze shifted to the small, black bird whom had flitted it's way towards her. Hands reached out to gently cup the winged animal in her clawed hands. Her deft eyes flitted back to the strange woman who was now shouting in the empty cafe. ''Have you never seen a Naga before, girl?'' The woman spoke, her voice low and rich, with a feminine drawl to it. Her fangs could easily be seen as she spoke, alongside her tongue which randomly darted out of her mouth faster than a snake. Her piercing eyes shifted to look at Albert who had been alerted by the commotion and had exited the kitchen to look at the two. He flinched when he noticed the snake-woman's presence in the room. ''It's been just over ten minutes, Albert. You're getting a lot slower.'' The Naga spoke, leering playfully at the younger human boy. Said boy stared at her with an emotion that could only be akin to terror. The Naga had picked up on how his breathing pattern altered into a quicker pace. The young boy stared at the eleven foot tall Naga sitting leisurely on one of the worn couches. His eyes seemed focused on the long, sharp fangs that hid inside her mouth. The boy's movements were deliberately slow so as not to make any sudden movements. ''Officer O-Oerba... You're early today. Uhh... Sorry for keeping you waiting this morning...'' Albert spoke, his voice wavering and his throat gulping. He fumbled about with his notebook, unable to find it in his apron. The Naga remained perfectly calm and gave him a friendly smile, knowing how terrified of snakes the poor boy was. She kept her distance, respecting his need for distance from her. He slowly backed away from the Naga when he caught the slightest glimpse of her fangs, beginning to hyperventilate. ''I-I'll, uhh, just go get Simon for you! Sorry for the wait, officer!'' The young boy exclaimed, quickly ducking back into the kitchen to go and get his employer. Sweat ran down his face as his body shook with fear, trying to calm his breathing once the Naga was out of sight. Left alone by the teen, the Naga then looked at the small bird in her hands, gently stroking it. ''Are you new, little bird? Here to quell the Ophidiophobia that seems to run in these parts? I must say, I am impressed by your bravery.'' Oerba spoke, her finger gently scratching the bird's feathered head. Her red eyes then flitted to look at the woman who had entered, waiting for a response.