[center][h2]Lao Jaximas[/h2] [hider=Current Info] [b]Level[/b] 3 Current EXP to next Level [208/825] Col: 240 [b]Stats[/b] Strength: 8 Health: 600 Ability: 8 [b]Weapon Skills[/b] -One-Handed Sword Skills -Katana Skills -Martial Arts [b]Combat Skills[/b] -Parry -Battle Healing [b]Passive Skills[/b] -Acrobatics -Hiding -Sprint -Tracking [b]Current Equipped Items[/b] Light Leather armor One-Handed Blade [/hider] [@PKMNB0Y] [@Little_ninja] [@Ebil Bunny] [@Caits] [/center] Lao leaned back in his seat and literally, twirled his thumbs in bordum. Lao did not know how long it took for a NPC to make food in the game, but it would have been right to assume it could have not took to long. He could not help but think if they really did need food, was it really necessary. It may have been an addition to keep them sane in this game, have something from home, something that every normal human did. But it may have served to make the sane, insane, the constant reminder of the real world's food was a struggle that many would have faced. Maybe he was just reading into everything to much, which was a thing he did every once and a while. Lao noticed that there were more people here also, 2 players by the looks of it. It was safe to assume he was not the only player that had made it to this town. As much as Lao wanted to greet them, he wanted to be alone at the moment. It was just a feeling that came over him once and a while. If they wished to speak, the could, but for now, Lao would not initiate. Eventually, that NPC appeared once again, but this time with his food. Lao could not help but admire the smell, despite knowing that it was all virtual. The NPC placed it in front of Lao and opened up the lid. Stem billowed from the stack of ribs underneath, or that is what they looked like. The game called them Galbi, a food that Lao was no familiar with, or was sure came from the real world. On his interface, a not popped up with a description of the food. [b]Made with beef ribs thinly cut across the bone. Its name derives from the way it is prepared; the letters L and A come from the first two letters of "lateral," as the ribs are sliced in this manner. It is prepared in the same way as regular galbi, except that the ribs are cut differently. South Korean-owned restaurants made galbi with these thinner cuts of beef with several ribs. This variation has since made its way back to South Korea as well.[/b] Lao frowned, the explanation did nor so much to install confidence in the meal, but at least it was real world food. Despite that, Lao would eat it anyway, he was not going to pay 70 Col for 6 ribs and not eat it. Lao brought his hands together for a quick prayer before digging Into the food. He picked up one and bit into it, despite his earlier thought, the food was great, it tasted amazing. Lao are faster and faster, before he knew it he had finished all six, even eating the the last one in two bites. His plate disappeared and Col was taken out if his account and what not. Lao stood up and was about to make his way back to his room, unfortunately, fatigue coupled with a full stomach made Lao very drowsy. Before Lao knew it he had it the ground face first and was asleep, his whole body face down.