Martox wiped the sweat off of his face and quickly put out the fire in front of him. He let out a deep sigh and turned to the next enemy rushing towards him. With his staff in his right hand he pointed at the undead skeleton quickly making his way to him, and shot out a fire ball. The skeleton took the hit to its shoulder and it's left arm fell off. It looked at its dismembered arm for a second then back at Martox, he rose his sword in the air and charged once again and Martox shot another blast of fire, this time striking it in the leg. It fell over without the support of its right leg below the knee. Martox laughed while he made his way to the mess of bones still trying to crawl towards Martox, "Looks like you don't have a..." He chuckled to himself, "Leg to stand on!" He let out a good hard laugh while he smashed the end of his staff into the skeleton's skull, smashing it into pieces. Martox, wiping a tear away from from his eye, turned towards the mage who was cowering against the wall. "Hey, hey," Martox spoke, "Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you." He walked to and stopped in front of the the mage while putting his hand on his shoulder, "You'll probably get killed by someone or something though if you don't start training harder though. I suggest going to a town and practice your necromancy in secret basement." He turned and started to walk towards the exit of the cave while saying, "A lot of people aren't okay with it." Martox stepped outside into a wooded area, where the sun came through the trees. He shielded his eyes briefly and started to make his way down to a town that settled at the bottom of the hill. After a few minutes of walking, he reached the outskirts of the town and went to the local town leader. Martox bowed, "Sir. Your necromancy problem has... Mostly been taken care of." The leader shifted in his chair and with a stern look and a deep voice exclaimed, "What do you mean mostly, mage?" He almost spit out the last word. Martox replied, "Well, I did leave him alive, but the fear of the Gods has been stricken into him. I assure you, he will either leave or try to come join your community. It's up to you from there what you wish to do." The man scowled and threw a bag of coins at Martox, which he swiftly caught and said, "You're only getting part of the reward because the necromancer does not lay dead. Now get out of village." Martox bowed again and put the coins in his pouch. Before leaving the massive manor though, a thought crossed his mind and his facial expression obviously held something of worry. He turned quickly and shouted to the leader, "What day is it!?" The leader, still with the scornful look, shouted back, "The 22nd." Martox's look went from worried, to a mixutre of worry and surprise, and he ran out of the village faster than he had practically ever ran before. At he base of a large mountain, he stood, out of breath and sweaty. He took a seat on a near-by tree stump and looked up the path. [i]Do I really have to climb this damn thing just to get to the reunion? There'd better be food.[/i] He stood up and took a deep breath beginning his trek up the hill. [i]And a lot of drink.[/i] The sky was cloudy now and the sun was beginning to set when he first saw the cabin, it was only about a mile away now. Martox wiped his forhead of sweat and pulled his staff out. He touched the tip of his staff to his mouth, and some water dripped out before he swallowed. He did that three more times and put Ignes et Ice back on his back while he started to make his way to the cabin again. He finally reached the front door and heard a few voices inside. [i]Hm... Looks like I'm a little late to the party.[/i] He grabbed the cabins door handle and flung the door open while yelling, "THE PARTY IS HERE FELLAS!" He made his way over to one of the barrels and poured himself a mug of ale. He took one long swig of the drink and smiled at his two old companions, "How has the flesh been hanging on?" He looked at Oryx and chuckled to himself, "Or.. Uh.. Not hanging on I suppose."