Desalith nodded at Oryx’s words. He heard footsteps approaching. It was likely Celeste, he guessed. He knew he guessed incorrectly when he saw the face of another old friend; that of Martox, in the doorway. “Welcome, friend,” he said in greeting. “Have some beer.” He went to the closest wine barrel with a set of jugs; others would be arriving soon, no doubt. Not a minute after he left his chair did he hear unmistakable footsteps; ones that he had not heard for a long time as well. Appearing in the doorway was a man taller than anyone else in the house. A part-giant. No, not a part-giant… the part-giant. “Welcome Cewri! Just in time for the beer…” He added another jug for the benefit of Oryx, even though the beer would obviously be undrinkable, and a larger one that he found to the side for Cewri. [i]She thought of everything[/i]. He kept one more jug to the side.