[@Savo][@Caits][@Little_ninja] [color=Khaki][i] - Ritaka - [/i][/color] [color=Khaki]"I do have something to eat, in fact."[/color] Ritaka said, trying not to grin too widely, but not succeeding very well. So much for a great surprise. Ritaka opened his menu, turned to his inventory, and selected several items, of which then appeared. [color=Khaki]"I may have over spent, but totally worth it!"[/color] Ritaka said, laying several pies, cakes, and other delicious pastries on the table. [color=Khaki]"Help yourselves, on the house!"[/color] Ritaka said, [color=Khaki]"And if you don't know what something is, then that makes two of us."[/color] Ritaka took a slice of cake, leaned back, and enjoyed it's wonderful cake-y goodness.