man, this school needs a new PR department. PITY? Really? In any case I'm interested. I'd like to go for a more defense-oriented character, and I have an idea for someone with the powerset of creating a "power-nullification field" of sorts, where they emit a small aura that temporarily neutralizes any and all foreign powers around him (ex: a guy with super strength can enter the field and punch someone, but it will only break their nose as opposed to obliterate their entire being. Or if somebody shoots rays from their fingertips, the power would be neutralized coming in and/or out). The downside is that it is not specific to who it effects, so if allies were close enough, their powers would be shut down for a bit as well. It's a unique concept and could add a lot of fun/interesting conflict as far as powersets go, but I'd understand if you were against something like that. Could definitely cause problems as far as the story is concerned, and I could just as easily go for the typical "psychic" archetype who can create your average force field/bubble.