[b]Kamina[/b] Today was his first full day as a Gyarados, and Kamina was going to make sure to enjoy it thoroughly "GOOD MORNING WORLD!!!" he cried out with his new set of lungs as he woke up. Now that both he and everyone else within hearing range was wide awake, he began to stretch out in his new body "yeah, this is going to take some getting used to...but it's still so awesome!" Noticing that M was the only one other then him left in their quarters, he moved to his side and said "rise and shine M my friend. There's a brand new shining day outside, just waiting for use to grab it! Come, let us go find Spruce and Celes so that we may begin today's adventures!" --- [b]Tini[/b] Bonnie had nearly flung him away with a scream when she awoke to find him, that concerned Tini. Not because he almost got intimate with the wall (it couldn't hurt anymore then being tied to a boulder held up in the air by a very strong rope, and crashing into another boulder also held up in the air by a very strong rope when he failed to poke the second boulder to death), but because her first instinct upon seeing someone showing her affection was escape by throwing...this had to be fixed. After taking the time to enjoy a fuzzy hug from Eralion "yay! Fuzzy hugs!" He left in search of his cuddle fearing friend He soon found her at the mission board. "Bonnie" Tini began, sounding uncharacteristically serious "you're sick in the brain. That's the only reason why anyone would respond to cuddles the way you did. I don't know who, why or even how, but someone hurt you. Someone who should have showered you in love and cuddles hurt you bad. Because of that, cuddles remind you of the hurt. Rest assured; whoever did this will taste fried justice" he said the last two words as he held aloft his trusty frying pan which may or may not have been there a second ago "but the bigger problem is fixing you, healing you. That is exactly what I intend to do. I will shower you with so many cuddles that it will eclipse the hurt in your heart. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next week, but someday you [i]will[/i] enjoy cuddles again!" he declared before wrapping around her in a tight but not painful hug