[i]Ah, to be in the company of humor again.[/i] Cewri shook the hands offered to him. “No, mt friends, I haven’t done much stomping or conquering lately. A lot of finding, though.” Cryptic statement done, he removed his scabbard from where it rested on his back and laid it against the wall. His pack, with rations, maps, armor, and the assorted supplies a person needs to make camp, fell next to it with a loud *thud.* “As for my own lateness, I’m glad to have made it here today all. The bridge across the Kagrimarr Gorge was out, so I had to take the long route out of Kallagrim.” As he spoke, Cewri swung his travelling cloak around and hung it on his sword. [i]Of all the times for Dwarven engineering to actually fail…[/i] “And if you ever see him again, Oryx, tell him not to bother. Unless he was a Half-Giant himself, there’s no way my skin will fit him. Now what’s this I hear about drink?”