Approaching the Corner Garden, Sophie found it already quite busy. The other residents apparently interacting with each other. The naga she recognized, having met her already on another occasion, even if briefly. There was some fowl that she was holding, her breakfast perhaps? No she was holding it far too gently. "[color=gold]Good morning Officer Oerba. Do you have a new friend there?[/color]" Interactions were not her strong point but that was partly the reason she was there. So far she had noticed that people in this world were not as formal. The other woman there, Mulivon, was wearing some tribal garments. At the very least it looked to hold some personal significance. Not wanting to stare though she continued to the counter so she could again try a coffee whilst awaiting Oerba's answer. "[color=gold]Good morning Simon Armijo. How are you?[/color]" She had a habit of addressing people with their full name. As she has had to explain it was customary to pay homage to one's past lineage. What was not explained quite as well was why. But she didn't want to bore someone with details that did not necessarily pertain to them. [@Spawnling][@Queen Cobra][@Satsuki]