Penelope gave a small nod. She supposed she would just let William and Abraxas handle things when they first got to Younis. It was likely she wouldn't be able to hold much authority once they reached the other kingdom anyways. That in itself was a tad annoying but the knight could manage. Her main job was to keep an eye on Crow so at least nothing there would change. Her gaze met his as told her to give the accent a try. There was a small flicker of uncertainty beofre she gave a shot at it. "Ah, does this work?" she said as she attempted to imitate the accent. However, it didn't quite come out that well. She could tell there was a clear difference between the one he used and the one she had given. Penelope shook her head and sat up a bit straighter. "No wait... I can do better." she said using her regular voice, a clear tone of determination. She always got this way when learning something new. She took it very seriously and aimed to perfect it as quickly as possible. There was a pause as she replayed the voice he had used in her thoughts."Ok, Crow," She began her second attempt at the accent and there was improvement from before, "Not so bad I guess. What do you think?" She met his gaze for a moment. It seemed she would be using his name a bit more now than just calling him thief. It even began to feel a bit normal though it was still a rough change since she had to be careful when around William and Abraxas.