[center][h2][b][color=00aeef]Jason/Scythe[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [i][color=bc8dbf]It was harder than I thought...[/color][/i] Jason, or his IGN - Scythe was practicing his sword skill like most of the new players on the field just beside the [color=ec008c]Town of Beginning[/color]. The field was mostly made up of scary dire wolves and frenzy boars, even Scythe played a lot of RPG before the chaos happened, it was still very scary to face the real thing face to face. At least the field has enough wolves and boars for all the players that would like to practice their combat skills and level up like Scythe. After training for two hours, he finally managed to level up twice very fast to level three. Scythe took his time looting the prize he defeated earlier, some meats from the boars and leathers from the wolves. Scythe went back to the [color=ec008c]Town of Beginning[/color] and sold all the loots he got, he then went to the weapon merchant to purchase himself a better blade. [i][color=bc8dbf]Monsters here gives low experience points, I probably should move on to a new area...[/color][/i] Scythe open his map and found out that there was a village not far from the [color=ec008c]Town of Beginning[/color], which was [color=ec008c]"Goniku Village"[/color]. While on the way to the [color=ec008c]Goniku Village[/color], Scythe's real life memories started to appear in his head. [color=39b54a]"How ironic... I started to miss my old life already, even this chaos thing just happened few hours ago."[/color] He mumbled to himself, as he remembered that the song of [color=fff200]"Sing, Sing, Sing" by Benny Goodman[/color] can be heard every time he walk past the [color=ec008c]Kyoto Tachibana High School[/color], as the school band was practicing their performance song in the field beside the main road. Scythe will walk pass the [color=ec008c]Momoyama Elementary School[/color] after that, there were always kids playing around cheerfully with each other which somehow will light up his mood a bit. Scythe finally reached his destination, and tons of players were already made it there before him. The village can be described as designed behind a big lake. The settlement in the village itself looks luxuriant. With its spruce wood rooftops, chiseled stone walls and ever clear night sky, [color=ec008c]Goniku Village[/color] has a pleasant atmosphere. Merchants and players can be found on the both sides of the main road, negotiating with each other for a better price or discounts. Since Scythe had traveled a long way here, it was the right decision for him to find a good inn and order some foods to fill his hungry stomach. Scythe found an Inn. From what he saw from the outside, the inn looks enchanting, cheerful and cozy. Logs and tree trunks make up most of the building's outer structure. It's impossible to see through the large, curtained windows, but the music and voices from within can be felt outside. As Scythe entered the tavern through the old, hard wooden door, he was welcomed by aromas of roasted meats and joyful music. [color=39b54a]"Jeez, there are more players in here than I thought."[/color] as Scythe walked slowly around the inn to find a good spot to sit down and order some good food. The tavern itself is packed. Players just like Scythe seem to be the primary clientele here, which could be seen as the best sign you can get. Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be close with the owner, though they happily welcome others among their midst. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied.