Penelope glanced briefly towards her comrades as Crow spoke, his words making her a tad worried though she hid it for the most part. She hoped to be able to learn the accent quickly but there was also them to worry about. Especially when they would be the ones taking on a position of authority as knights. She wished that this topic had been brought up earlier in the journey. Penelope turned her gaze towards Crow, seeming ready to give him an annoyed look as she put the blame on him but then she recalled his previous plans. She was coming to understand the thief better now and she was also going against the basic morals of a knight which were to keep a distance between them and thier enemies. As his tone changed, Penelope raised an eyebrow at him. She gave a small snort, at first finding it to be rather ridiculous. "Perhaps it'd be romantic if I found myself in better company." she teased him, rolling her eyes. However, the plan wasn't all that bad. If William and Abraxas were to get caught, Crow and her could still potientially get the job done. Though it would be more difficult for several reasons. "But..." she added quickly. She moved her gaze away in slight embarassment. "It's not a bad back up should worst come to worst..."