[@Aerandir] [@KoL] [@PKMNB0Y] [color=f49ac2]"Hello, Fenros,"[/color] Asuna says quietly, not moving from her spot. [color=f49ac2]"Thank you for your offer. We were just discussing how we are going to continue. You will have to ask this girl here on whether you can join, she brought us together. However, you may sit down if you wish."[/color] She was somewhat cautious of this new person, due to his directness and his bluntness. She had known they would probably need someone with heavy weapons, expecially if the others didn't have as high a level as she did, but she knew that some people may choose to be the villains in this game. Her friend had met several of that kind as a betatester. Still, this guy didn't have an orange cursor, so she hoped he was okay.