Sol frowned rapidly analyzing the situation. It had gotten out of hard rather quickly and was now threating students, he hadn't expected this. Sol quickly tapped his braclet containing the three of them in a battle cube to prevent damage to bystanders and made his move. It seemed Dues had somehow bypassed Marcus's magic nullifacation while Sol was still limited by it. It seemed incoming lighting was undogdeble in his current state, which left him with little option. Marcus attempted to surpise Sol with his speed but even under the pressure of the situation he was far to fast for an attack on the most mobile part of the body to work. He would've liked to retaliate in a more effective manner but he had to deal with Dues first. A risky manuvear but most likly highly effective, he first ducked under the kick while kicking Marcus's other leg hopefully bringing him to the ground then Sol hurled his sword breaker spinning into the air, the metal hopefully attracting or deflecting most of the lighting strikes that would otherwise strike him. Then Sol threw his pitch-black sword at Dues's chest to ensure that he would stop doing whatever he was doing. [@BranchOfSin][@Slendy]