[b]Characters: [color=ffaa33][u]Kirei[/u][/color] & [color=fdabc7][u]Anna[/u][/color][/b] [hider=Part I][b][color=ffaa33]"I thought you had a store to run."[/color][/b] Kirei slightly joked from not far behind Anna. The sudden jest had alarmed Anna just enough to make her jump ever so slightly as she spun slightly in her chair, forcing her ears to perk up a bit. A small shy though cute smile crossed her lips as she took that moment to turn back to her computer and pause the game. Out of some sense of paranoia, she even looked up at the glass door to see if anyone had entered - they hadn't, but Anna could tell Kirei was just teasing her. [b][color=fdabc7]"Yeah, well,"[/color][/b] she started, swirling back to face the spider woman with a playful smirk, [b][color=fdabc7]"I tend to catch up a lot... happens when you don't need sleep."[/color][/b] The smirk slowly melted to a genuine smile. [b][color=fdabc7]"Did you sleep well? I hope all that pink didn't clash with your wardrobe or anything."[/color][/b] She giggled softly to herself, having noticed quite obviously that the detective wasn't all that girly like herself. [b][color=ffaa33]"I did, actually. And it's not too bad color wise."[/color][/b] Kirei said as she thought of the room. It was a little bit too colorful for her liking, but for a cheaper rent than anywhere else, she could live with it. [b][color=ffaa33]"I'm just glad I could set up a good hammock in there. It keeps me warmer at night."[/color][/b] The spider looked around a little bit, wondering if there was even going to be a remote bit of activity in the shop today. She hadn't really been around long enough to know if people were coming or not. There wasn't much of a mastery of the subject matter either. Most of her expertise came from knowing how people work, how to make a man (or woman) do what she wanted them to and eating. It's a different life from what she knew though. [b][color=ffaa33]"So, how busy are you typically?"[/color][/b] Wasn't hard to tell that the spider didn't prefer her color scheme, but it didn't matter and Anna smiled happily at the compliment. She was just glad that it didn't bother her so much as to actually voice it. After all, Anna had never thought of having a room mate so she hadn't toned down her girliness any. [b][color=fdabc7]"Yeah, I saw that last night, it sure looks interesting ..."[/color][/b] she admitted thoughtfully, wondering quietly to herself how it'd feel to try and sleep in that thing. She came out of those thoughts just in time to see Kirei looking over the store and then hearing her question. [b][color=fdabc7]"Oh!"[/color][/b] Anna leaned back in her chair as it reclined slightly and crossed one leg over the other, her tail flicking slightly behind her. [b][color=fdabc7]"Well, especially since it's chilly, it'll be a slow day ... Friday's usually are. I usually get busy anywhere from Monday to Wednesday depending on how people are feeling I guess ... Thursday is normally the day everyone comes in the browse over stuff ... but like any other business, it can differ here and there."[/color][/b] Anna paused, her eyes sparkling for a moment in some unspoken thought. [b][color=fdabc7]"Um.. why? What's up?"[/color][/b] She put on a friendly smile and seemed more than happy to be conversing. Kirei just stared at Anna's friendly smile for a few seconds. She seemed genuine enough. [b][color=ffaa33]"I'm just curious."[/color][/b] She mentioned looking around the store again, looking over all the electronics. [b][color=ffaa33]"I also thought that I might as well know what happens here and when if I'm going to live here."[/color][/b] If nothing else, Anna's schedule seemed something closer to what her own was like. Not busy everyday. [b][color=ffaa33]"Perhaps I should help you down here every now and then? Since I'm practically freeloading."[/color][/b] She asked. She really wasn't sure about what she could actually do to help. She knew next to nothing about electronics, except for phones. She knew that to use those, one must turn a dial around to the number needed and then you talk to the thing. [b][color=ffaa33]"Not that I'd be very helpful at all."[/color][/b] Now she regretted asking, blushing slightly as her eyes went to the ceiling for a second before returning to Anna. Anna was mostly attentive to what her new roommate was saying, but the moment she got embarrassed, her ears perks a little again as her tail settled into lazily hanging from the chair. Her head tilted to the right slightly, making it quite obvious that Anna was either confused or curious but only a moment later she was half-smirking, half-smiling at Kirei. [b][color=fdabc7]"That's okay!"[/color][/b] she replied in a cheerful tone. [b][color=fdabc7]"I can teach you things, if you want that this, but there's no pressure. For days like this, it might just be nice to ..."[/color][/b] there was a slight hesitation here, [b][color=fdabc7]"have some company? I mean, I know you could be busy at any moment ... with the whole detective thing - again no pressure, just.. throwing it out there, I guess."[/color][/b] As Anna smiled again, it turned a bit more shy as her ears bent backwards ever so slightly. However to distract from that pose of hers, Anna decided to push away from the computer a bit more to show that her attention was on the spider woman and not her paused game. [b][color=ffaa33]"Teach me things about electronics, eh?"[/color][/b] Kirei muttered to herself. She wasn't sure she would ever really get the hang of electronics. [b][color=ffaa33]"I'll pass on learning the bigger parts of it today."[/color][/b] She said looking specifically at the Televisions and other bigger things in the store. Then she also couldn't help but observe the catgirl's movements and the like. It might be helpful in the future to know what her different movements meant. Her tail especially so. [b][color=ffaa33]"I don't mind talking though. I'm sure you can tell, but I'm overjoyed by talking."[/color][/b] Of course, Anna could very well have a very hard time doing so, since she just has a cold look on her face. [b][color=ffaa33]"I would ask what interests you have, but I think that information is readily available."[/color][/b] She said pointing to the game she was playing on her computer. [b][color=ffaa33]"What is that exactly?"[/color][/b] Her ears stayed slightly tilted for some time, until Kirei finally asked what the game was, which prompted her ears to slowly go back to her natural up-right position. [b][color=fdabc7]"Oh... um..."[/color][/b] She looked over to the computer screen and bit her lip for a second. [b][color=fdabc7]"It's this turn based strategy gamed called 'Endless Space.' You're basically trying to colonize different world and running an empire against other opponents... it's nice because you can pause at any time, save, and so on and not have to worry about having to stop to help people or talk ... or whatever ... like now."[/color][/b] She paused to look back to the spideress, almost looking hesitate as her tail flicked a couple times. [b][color=fdabc7]"Um.. I mean, that's not all I do... I mean, I guess mostly..."[/color][/b] She pursed her lips, thinking to herself. [i]'Yep, that sounded impressive,'[/i] she thought to herself with annoyance. [b][color=fdabc7]"But, um.. what do you do - like on off time?"[/color][/b] she asked as she tried to not embarrass herself too much. Kirei did her best to keep up with the cat's speech. There were many things she didn't understand that made her head spin. Pausing? Saving? She could only assume so much. Pausing the game was probably something like, stopping it from running? People pause in speech and do the same thing so that was the most likely option there. Saving. . . Was she saving people in it or something? That didn't sound right, but she didn't want to sound out-dated by asking. [b][color=ffaa33]"I-I see."[/color][/b] Kirei muttered near the end of her talk about 'Endless Space.' Then Anna directed the question to her. [b][color=ffaa33]"What do I do?"[/color][/b] She redirected the question. The spider had to think on that for a minute. She looked around the shop, as if looking for an answer. She didn't want to sound boring with her actual answer so she hoped another one would pop out at her, alas that was not an option so she answered truthfully. [b][color=ffaa33]"I mainly people watch. Sometimes I just go to the park and sit on a bench and pretend to read a book or the newspaper. But I'm just watching people and the like."[/color][/b] Anna seemed relieved that she didn't embarrass herself and seemed to perk up again with a wider smile. [b][color=fdabc7]"Oh! That's cool!"[/color][/b] she seemed to reply with excitement, which is likely something Kirei wasn't expecting. [b][color=fdabc7]"I used to do that a lot too,"[/color][/b] she then admitted. [b][color=fdabc7]"I guess I.. kind of stopped after a little while.. I mean.. I dunno.. I got ignored a bit too much for my taste so, uh ..."[/color][/b] She had no idea why she was blurting all this out to someone she barely knew. She normally thought before speaking, but she let the relief of early get the best of her and now she was looking away with her ears tilting back again as she thought about all those painful memories, her tail practically drooping now. Suddenly though, she forced her ears back up and looked at Kirei. [b][color=fdabc7]"Anyways! Yeah, totally understand... it can be really fun. I was watching a bunch of people enter the cafe earlier. Seems like a really popular spot in town, actually.." [/color][/b][/hider] [hider=Part II]Kirei was suprised by Anna's excitement on the subject. She just listened as Anna told of how she used to do the same thing, though, doesn't anymore. She seemed. . . Sad? Odd. Her tail seemed to droop a lot. Then, on the Cafe, [b][color=ffaa33]"Yes, I have to agree. It is a rather nice place, really. It can cater to the needs of creatures and non-humans. Though, it's harder to cater to Jorogumos, so I'll let them pass with just what they have there."[/color][/b] She nodded sage-like. Then, Kirei started to grasp for conversation. She could never really think of questions to ask especially since the amount of conversations she had were low. In the end she accepted defeat on her end. [b][color=ffaa33]"Did you have anything you wanted to ask me?"[/color][/b] Was Kirei really making excuses to stay in an empty store than wander over to the cafe? Nah, that couldn't be it, but it was certainly interesting enough to catch Anna's attention when she mentioned she'd stay away from it. When she then asked Anna if there were any other questions, she pursed her lips for a moment and then bit her lip. She was seriously debating on being sneaking with the next question, but didn't want to give herself away - after all, how could she not ask? She was a cat after all and they were known for curiosity, right? [b][color=fdabc7]"Um.. hm.."[/color][/b] She pretended to think of a question as she looked up at the ceiling, her tail twitching nervously. [b][color=fdabc7]"Well, this might be a bit personal, but..."[/color][/b] she paused, making sure to catch all of the spideress' body language. [b][color=fdabc7]"I mean, you'd rather be here than the cafe? I've heard more than a few times that the owner is kind of handsome ... waiting for him to be more alone maybe?"[/color][/b] She teased the woman a bit, but she seemed awefully intent on knowing the answer. Kirei looked a little confused if nothing else. [b][color=ffaa33]"I've gone more than a few days without food in my youth, I'm sure my body will forgive me if I don't eat for a few hours talking to my roommate."[/color][/b] She couldn't help but sigh though, when she moved on to the subject of the owner of the cafe. [b][color=ffaa33]"And what of the owner exactly. He's handsome, sure, but what of it? Llama's are a little too hairy anyhow."[/color][/b] She then thought about it being mildly annoying if she were to try to eat him anyhow. Always thinking with her stomach this one. [b][color=ffaa33]"What, are you interested in him, Anna?"[/color][/b] She smirked a little at the first comment. It was actually kind of sweet, though she did wonder how a giant spider-woman ate, seeing as there wasn't any giant flies wandering around that she knew of - though oddly, the idea didn't really bother her. She would definitely have to explore why it didn't at some later point in time. As for saying he was too hairy, she smiled a little in amusement but felt generally neutral about that answer, but at least it did tell her that she liked men. It was the last bit that made her intensely regret her question because now she was on the spot. The question instantly made Anna blush with her ears tilting back almost all the way and her tail curling from side to side slowly. [b][color=fdabc7]"Uh? Um... w-well... no, not .. really. I mean..."[/color][/b] she averted her eyes from her roommate, [b][color=fdabc7]"I don't really.. like men, so... yeah.. I'm really not that interested... I just heard rumors about him being handsome.. is all."[/color][/b] She then shrugged ever so shyly, keeping her eyes mostly averted, but moving them enough to catch the image of the spideress in the corner of her eyes. She didn't feel so shy because she had feelings or anything, but the assumption just came out of no where and Anna had been judged in the past for liking women, and besides - Anna could just become shy quickly sometimes. [b][color=ffaa33]"Don't really like men, huh?"[/color][/b] Kirei started mentioning. Well, there were just a few things that could really mean. Either she was not a fan of men in general, androphobia, or she just swings for the other team relatively speaking. [b][color=ffaa33]"So that means you're a, uh, what was it? Lesbian? Or something? That's fair enough."[/color][/b] Obviously enough, Kirei didn't care all too much for whatever. Afterall, what had her life been up until coming to this town? Seducing whoever she could and either feeding on them or being fed by them. Morally it was a horrid life, but it was all she knew all those years. It was also very easy, being taken care of like a Hime-sama or something similar. [b][color=ffaa33]"I don't care too much one way or the other. You fall for who you fall for I suppose."[/color][/b] The spideress wondered if she should mention she kind of goes both ways. In a sense. She'd barely really fallen for anyone before, so could she really call it that. If anything, it was more of using something like a tool, than a person really. Or just dinner. [b][color=ffaa33]"I guess you wouldn't be too wrong by saying I'm similar enough to that really, Anna. So, do whatever I suppose?"[/color][/b] Slowly, Anna seemed to perk up bit by bit as Kirei seemed totally accepting of her preferences. Her blushing having gone completely, but at the last comment, her ears seemed to stay down and her tail stopped moving so much. Uncrossing her legs and pushing her knees together, she slowly hugged her stomach and gave Kirei a tiny smile. [b][color=fdabc7]"Oh.. well.. you don't have to worry about.. me doing anything with anyone or whatever.."[/color][/b] she replied softly. [b][color=fdabc7]"No one really ... well, it's just been me, really."[/color][/b] She gave Kirei a wider smile, but it wasn't hard to tell it was one of those fake, forced ones. Not to mention her tilted back ears betrayed her true feelings. [b][color=fdabc7]"I just keep to myself, I guess... I dunno."[/color][/b] She shrugged then, actually not sure what to say for once. She almost wanted to shoo Kirei away now, sure that the spideress didn't honestly care about her problems, but there was no polite way of doing it and part of her was happy about that - Anna didn't actually like being alone. She was just used to it. The catgirl was forcing herself, that much Kirei could tell. She wondered if she should try to make the girl feel better. [b][color=ffaa33]"You look deli-- cute, so I don't get why you don't just . . . What's the word, 'flaunt your stuff?'"[/color][/b] Sometimes this new language was annoying. She hadn't considered how women were around here though. Were they not the kind that would work well with this catgirl roommate? [b][color=ffaa33]"That doesn't seem like your personality I guess."[/color][/b] Kirei just kind of looked around feeling like she said the wrong thing. Her roommate didn't exactly seem like she wanted her to stay there anymore. Sort of. [b][color=ffaa33]"Should I just leave you be?"[/color][/b] The fake smile slowly faded a bit as she bit her lip stubbornly. She didn't want to admit it, but she also wasn't a liar. She was so used to being abandoned that it felt odd that someone would actually want to stay around. [b][color=fdabc7]"... I'd ... rather you stay, but you can go, if you want ..."[/color][/b] she replied softly as her ears sat in between fully down and fully up. her tail just twitching nervously again. [b][color=fdabc7]"And yeah, I'm.. uh.. not really that forward.. I'm not good at that stuff... but I always figured if someone really thought I was worthing asking out, they would just ... do it, I guess. Or maybe I'm waiting for someone confident enough..."[/color][/b] She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. [b][color=fdabc7]"Sorry, I really didn't mean to dump all this on you. After all, we just met.. I'm just being silly.."[/color][/b] This time when she smiled at Kirei it was far more genuine, but it was like a half-smile, mixed with politness and a bit of sadness. [b][color=fdabc7]"Sorry,"[/color][/b] she added after several moments. [b][color=ffaa33]"Hmm..."[/color][/b] Kirei started while staring at the girl. [b][color=ffaa33]"Sometimes waiting for someone to ask you out doesn't work. Sometimes you just need to tempt them. Make them interested."[/color][/b] The spideress couldn't help but speak from experience. [b][color=ffaa33]"But, that doesn't seem to be you. . . Maybe you're just a secret temptress."[/color][/b] The woman tried to joke. It would be hard to descern from her facial expression and tone of voice however. [b][color=ffaa33]"Plus, I'd rather have this stuff over with now. It's easier to live with someone when you know what to expect from them, or how to read them."[/color][/b] Kirei is very well versed in experience. [b][color=ffaa33]"So there's no need to act reserved around me, I suppose."[/color][/b] With that she stood up and started to walk toward the entrance of the store, [b][color=ffaa33]"I'm hungry now. Want anything?"[/color][/b] Apparently Kirei did something right as Anna's ears slowly shifted back into their natural position of being upright. [b][color=fdabc7]"Yeah, I guess ... secret temptress.. that's a fun thought,"[/color][/b] she admitted with a slight smile. [b][color=fdabc7]"And sorry if I do act reserved, I just.. haven't had a lot of good experiences with others ... heh, don't let my socialness fool you."[/color][/b] She smirked slightly and let out another sigh, watching the woman go towards the exit. [b][color=fdabc7]"Um.. I guess some ice cream? I don't really need to eat though, so it's fine."[/color][/b] She seemed a bit more chipper than before, her tail swaying a bit side to side. [b][color=fdabc7]"Either way, thanks for offering - whether you get me some or not, haha."[/color][/b][/hider]