[h1]Fujiwara[/h1] "Can't say you're wrong there, but it'd be bad if we went around mindlessly following orders without at least some form of consent..." Fujiwara stated, shaking his head at Asuna. "And there's no need for introductions; our names are right up there." Motioning towards the general location of the party listing on his HUD (and, by extension, everyone else's), Fujiwara stopped his snarky actions to drink some of the water that was given to him. Definitely better than alcohol. The entrance of a new person and Asuna's subsequent reaction were... Well, contrary to what he would've wished. A 3-man squad was much more mobile and much easier to work with, but past experiences with anything more were purely business related. That being said, though, trying to monopolize a future blacksmith was pretty greedy to begin with. Oh well, the issue was probably best left to Minako... Or something. Even so, he was still a beta tester... Which meant he might try to gimp them later on to tag along with a better party. Not worth. "Fujiwara. As our friend here has said, it's up to the leader to decide on that issue. That being said, though, I'm not sure if someone with prior knowledge of the game should be tagging along with us. After all, you probably have some friends that you made during the beta floating around waiting for you somewhere, right?" Yes, that comment sounded way more dickish than it should have been, but to Fujiwara it seemed like the truth. Especially given the man's demeanor so far... [@KoL][@Asuna Yuuki][@Aerandir] [h1]Ayame[/h1] Ayame looked at Rey, then at the minimap, before shrugging. She seemed to be a bit to occupied with something else (maybe the exhaustion after running?), and since they were in a safe zone it was probably okay to let her catch her breath for the moment. "Well, in any case, I'll see you later. Gonna make sure that we both have a room for the night, then." Ayame said joyfully as she walked off into the town. After a half an hour or so of exploration, Ayame found herself staring at the door to the tavern/inn that Lao seemed to be in on the minimap. Given that she had promised Rey to do so before her little bout of exploring, Ayame entered the building... Only to see Lao passed out on the floor. Ayame sighed, a slight smile on her face as she casually paid for two rooms- one for herself and one for Rey to use whenever she arrived. With that completed, Ayame walked over to the now-unconscious Jax and attempted to lift him up. He wouldn't budge. Great. From what she had heard from the receptionist at the desk, he already had his own room... The question now, though, was how to get him there. [@ItsToppyTippers][@LokiLeo789][@Little_Ninja][@Caits][@Ebil Bunny]