[@Little_Ninja] [@Eklispe] [@Thanatos] [@Stale Pizza] Moments after the old man’s yell, the shout of a little girl could be heard. Well this confirms it, thought Natto. He was glad that the situation was going to be solved so easily. Then again, it was unlikely that Hanako would have wandered off. Judging from the way the old man was acting and the sound the voice that responded to them, Hanako was a young child. “Well, ain’t that good for you, Ojii-san?” Natto gave a warm-hearted smile and nodded towards the direction that Hanako shouted from. Though several people were now blocking the view between them, Hanako appeared through them, apparently being led by a teenage girl and boy. Were they siblings? [i]"Is this your Ojii-san, Hana?"[/i] First name basis. But it didn’t seem like she knew the old man. Although this was a perfect opportunity to get the party he wanted, Natto didn’t exactly embrace the idea of joining into a party that had an old man and a young child, as cruel as that sounded. There was bound to be complications considering «Sword Art Online» was now a death game. However, he decided he was obligated to at least stay around and accept thanks before deciding whether or not he should leave them be. Deciding he wouldn't interrupt Hanako's reunion with her Ojii-san, Natto directed his attention to the older girl. “Are you guys acquaintances or something? What do you plan to do now that «Sword Art Online» has come to this?” It was rather direct but there was no need for pointless banter considering the chaos that was happening.