With all that had taken place in such a short time, Mulivon was rather overwhelmed. Compared to the rustling of the trees and the quite whispers of the wind this shop would only be compared to a sudden storm. The shock of giant serpent would turn out to be the easiest part to take of all this. An Albert, saved her the indignity of admitting she had no idea what a Naga was, she simply thought she was one of the stone gazers. When Simon came out from the back, he seemed comfortable around the creature, she was fairly certain the Naga was not going to harm Lancelot. [color=662d91]"I would like the coffee and a sweet bread with fruit inside, Woolly Simon." [/color] Next thing she knew it would seem like an entire herd found itself in the shop. So many newcomers of various shapes and sizes, she had seen several of their various types before but never all at once. She would jump at the sudden words that where once again for her. [color=aba000]"And who is this ravishing creature that stands before you, I don't believe we've met. My name is Ian Carver, and I'd be honored if you'd give me the pleasure of knowing your name?"[/color] [color=662d91]"I am Mulivon, Sweet Sounding Ian."[/color] She states rather perplexed but admittedly flattered by how forward he was. Despite this she still felt very out of her element, and looked for what could only be described as an escape, she excused herself and let a quick high pitch chirp slip from betwixt her teeth. Lancelot quickly made his way to her shoulder, knowing full well how much trouble he was in. As much as she would have preferred to fly away herself, she was not going to give any more ground than she already had. A vacant spot near the counter seemed to be calling her, it was there she would stand as strong as an oak, the coffee and sweet bread would be hers. [@Queen Cobra][@Raijinslayer][@Spawnling]