[@Aerandir][@Asuna Yuuki][@PKMB0Y] "Alright, I think that division is good enough for me." Minako said after she founded settling the terms of her agreement with her companions. Right after that someone calling himself Fenros came in and asked to join they as a heavy infantry member. Asuna asked the boy to share a place at their table before Minako could say anything, not that she would have refused the boy's help anyway, actually all that help that they could get would be most appreciated. Turning towards the boy, she said, "Well, I guess I am quite lucky today, eh? I didn't even needed to search for another people to round our numbers. Though I don't know if we'll find enough materials to make a new weapon for you too, you're more than welcome to join us, Fenros-san." Then, Minako gave firm handshake to their new member before inviting him to the party and introducing herself,"I'm Minako, the aspiring blacksmith, and contrary to what my antisocial partner here thinks, in business it's common courtesy to introduce oneself even if you already know the other party's name." "Talking about him," said Minako refering to Fujiwara, "I guess that now that Fenros-san is here, Fujiwara-san doesn't have to spend the night alone while we girls share a room. That's if Asuna-doesn't have any objections, of course." Minako then stand up from the table and moved towards the door before saying, "Either way, it's better that we find an inn to stay now, because we're leaving at first morning light tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot, by the way, Fenros-san, we're going to the swamps north of here in search of crafting materials and treasure." She said before leaving the tavern. "Strike fast and strike hard, that's the only way for a businessman to survive in this unreasonable world." Minako repeated the words that she heard from her father after leaving the tavern and going to the inn on her own.