Marcus barely dodged Sol's counter attack by redirecting the nullifying barrier around his body. He tumbled and rolled to his feet. This Sol guy was really strong and Marcus kept reminding himself that this is just sparring. Since the nullifying ability is now surrounding the perimeter of his body Sol and Deus are able to use their magical abilities. This didn't make Marcus vanerable though. With the nullify protecting his body magical attacks are weakened but can still damage him. Marcus placed his pointing finger and middle finger on his for head and held out his right hand palm. [Color=Cyan]"The Sky's barrage!"[/color] He shouted disappearing and reappearing in the air near the ceiling of the gym. Countless of giant balls of cyan energy was fired at Deus and Sol. Good thing Sol activated his bracelet and spawned their new training grounds. Marcus gonna continue the barrage until one of the two decide to become offensive towards him.