[url]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SiqxoLuHlWig3UBbOTV17KAOC02dxNPyZzKSzT95ftM/edit?usp=sharing[/url] Alright, I made a document with the teams and list of participants. Please let me know if there are mistakes or if I put your character in the wrong group. Also, added brief descriptions next to most of their names to remind people which characters are which. If you feel that your character's description is bad, I'll change it up for you, or just delete all of the stuff in parenthesis. I put Dane and Abal in their own category for the time being. Ricard and Haydrex are in a different category because they are accounted for, but aren't actually partaking in the expeditions, at least not yet. The undecided list is for those who are actually at the meeting but haven't joined teams yet. Also, note that their are only four people in the group that's staying above ground. Not sure if that's really bad or not, but something to think about.