Deus saw that Sol had thrown his sword at him. He had to act quick, and decided that he should use Alchemy instead. He Summoned 5 Walls made of Steel to block the sword. He then dashed to the side and began running towards Sol at superhuman speeds. As he hot nearer Sol, he saw thar Marcus was going to unleash an attack and once he did Deus backed off. He Formed a Cage made of pure titanium. While inside the cage, Deus drew a Transmutation Circle on the ground and activated it. With it, He created 5 Golems mads of Water from the particles of water inside the clouds. These Golems, were about 6'9ft. They have the power to Control Water since they were made from Water. Of Course this was A Distraction meanwhile Deus prepared something. In the cage, Deus had begun to dig underground Using Alchemy and by diminishing he Aura and Presence he would not be able to be found. He covered the Hole in the cage so that no one would get suspicious.