[center] [h3][color=8882be]~Sidney Garland~[/color][/h3] Ah. A new school year! The fall breeze was sweeping through the air, the cool air demanding some people wrap themselves up in layers of clothing, or staying warm through...other methods. Rather scandalous methods that she herself, could only hope to get a picture of. The thought bought a mischievous little smirk the the face of the redhead walking down the hallways of Edison high. Ooh, that'd be a juicy topic right there! She could see the headline now! 'Local teens stay warm this fall by...making pancakes?'...okay, she'd have to work on that title...then again, maybe it could work?...pancakes were awesome and warm and- [color=8882be][i]FOCUS SIDNEY![/i][/color] Now wasn't the time for that. Now, she had to focus on the S.P.I.R.I.T club! Yep, that's right. She, a rather loud skeptic among other things, had decided to join this 'ghostbusting club' why? Well, for a good story obviously! That, and to debunk any tricks these losers were going to try and pull. No doubt their leader, Andy Anderson, had shenanigans planned for the school. Shenanigans, she wanted to definitely be a part of! She mostly wanted to debunk any of their ridiculous schemes, but she was always up for a bit of messing with people. She could definitely do that with this club. Debunking whatever schemes Andyhad, was just a bonus. After all, ghosts and stuff most definitely did not exist. If they had, there would have definitely been proof by now. Anyone who believed in them...well, she'd have to say was a big idiot. Her thoughts were cut short by her arriving at her locker. The blue locker was still a bit unfamiliar, since she had been given a new one at the start of the year. Thankfully, the combination for it was easy enough to remember. Opening her locker, she took out the items she deemed necessary for this little adventure. 1 - Nikon - Coolpix L840 16.0-Megapixel Digital Camera - silver in color. Christmas present last year. 1 - Well written in notepad. She'd need a new one soon...it was filled with her neat handwriting, plus some inane scribbles and thought bubbles. 1 - Ball point pen. Perfect for writing. Pencils were for losers. and lastly, 1 - stick of gum. What? Gum was like, the ultimate currency in highschool. She could always bribe someone with this. If that failed, there was always good 'ole Lincoln or Washington. Or if those failed, she always carried one of Mr. Benjamin around if something was [i]that[/i] important. Don't ask where she got him from. With her arsenal of hisghchool espionage ready, she closed the locker and headed off down the hallway. She stuffed the stick of gum in her jeans pocket, and placed the notepad and pen in her jacket pocket for easy and quick access. Her camera hung around her neck, being hidden under her jacket which she had just zipped up. Not suspicious at all, since she could simply say she was cold in the fall weather. Of course, most kids around here probably always suspect she's up to no good. Well, maybe not up to no good, but always up to something at least. Like right now, with the SPIRIT club. She needed to get there early, or else she might miss something. She quickened her pace through the mostly empty hallways. What time was it? 3:30? Well, she was going to be a bit late, then. Curses. She took too long getting out of the guys locker room...she didn't even find anything that could be used as good material. Ah well. She'd just have to to a quick surprise interview of one of the members to make up for it then! Thankfully, she was close enough to the biology room. ...and what better way to start, with the two people standing in front of the door to the biology room! Was that...Victoria Harris!? What in the name of all that was good and holy was [i]she[/i] doing here?! Well, only one way to find out! She swiftly took out her camera, ready to take a perfect shot, right before some admittedly cute looking tall...person? She was having trouble telling their gender. She didn't see boobs, so it was hard to tell...then again they were appropriately cute, maybe- [color=8882be][i]gah! focus Sidney!~[/i][/color] [color=8882be]"Move it moron, you're in my shot!"[/color] She said, roughly shoving gray into the room from behind. In the next instant, there was a click, followed by a bright flash as she got a fairly decent shot of Victoria Harris, the resident queen bee of the school. [color=8882be]"Ooh, great shot! Yes, I can totally use that!~" [/color]She snickered to herself. [color=8882be]"Alright, let the interview begin!"[/color] She continued, a big grin on her face, bounding over to Victoria. [color=8882be]"Haha! So, never expected to find [i]you[/i] of all people here Victoria!"[/color] Sidney said, pen and notepad in hand, getting a bit uncomfortably close to the other girl. [color=8882be]"So, what's the resident queen bee of Edison high doing here? You're joining SPIRIT, aren't you?"[/color] really, why else would she be here? [color=8882be]"I'm sure your lovely fans would love to know why you, little miss perfect is joining this club, hmm? I mean...you don't really believe in ghosts and stuff, do you?"[/color] Sidney let the question hang there, clicking her pen rather loudly as she waited on an answer. [/center]