Thank you, both, for your expressed interest! In response to what you said, [@Bunnita]. I was rather keen on the idea of having the starting group all beginning together, united through previous bonds of camaraderie or brought together by an existing power (I was thinking the Essian Emperor and Empress). Not everyone has to be a Servient Magi, but, they seemed to be something I focused heavily on during my first run of notes for this setting. I was planning to introduce the idea of Fettered Knights of the Essian Domain; essentially former criminals or those with debts to the Essian Empire. So, I'd like a variety of characters to be made. Of course, the options are practically limitless; as I'm expecting people to introduce their own concepts and such. I'm completely open to working these ideas in together. Maybe by having an entourage of Magi sent with Fettered Knights and whatever other factions/affiliations are introduced to investigate the Dreamlands and a particular anomaly therewithin. Thanks again, for both the welcome and your interest! I'll be adding some more info later in the day, I'm thinking.