Penelope watched as Crow hurried out of the wagon. She got up and headed over to where they had stored the extra clothing. Since they would be crossing over to Younis soon enough, she decided that it was time to change into the disguise they had provided her. After shuffling through a few pieces of clothing, she soon found her dress laid neatly down at the bottom. It was a light brown for the most part except for the occasional white which was used as trim around the bottom. There was also a white apron that would tie around her waist. Overall, it wasn't a very eye catching dress as it lacked any sort of color or elegance. It was simple and to the point, something Penelope actually found to be a redeeming quality of the dress. "Oi! No one come in the wagon until I say so!" Penelope shouted at the three men from inside. She was easily flustered by the situation and that alone made her much more defensive. Reluctantly, she removed her armor and set it off to the side. Giving a slightly annoyed look, the knight continued to remove her usual wear, which was a loose fitting shirt and pants, before quickly slipping into the dress. It was a foriegn feeling to be wearing one. There might have been an occasion once or twice that had called for her to wear a dress but Penelope had otherwise worn clothing more fitting of men than women due to her job. She smoothed out the apron that attached to her front for a moment before lifting her hand to lightly touch the bun her hair was pulled up into. She supposed it didn't fit very well with the outfit. It was held up in a very tight and formal bun, not very fitting of a peasant woman. Penelope then removed it and let her hair fall freely for once. She ran a hand through her hair to comb it out slightly as she turned walked towards the exit of the wagon. She stepped out of the wagon more carefully than before since she was concerned about possibly tripping due to the dress. "This is ridiculous." Penelope grumbled as she walked up to the two.