Sounds good. Only a couple things story wise (not your character wise)... Everyone who isn't you two (and anyone else who might want to joing as a character) are the only people who were not "vanished". There is no sign of a fight, no sign of people leaving, no footprints even. The city is simply empty...which is eerie. No one left (including those you care about). They could be alive, could be dead, you don't know. You two just happened to hide better than anyone else. There are three dead in the city center...they are the city's leaders (military, financial, and political). They are dead, pinned to a wall like a beetle on a card, and have very strange writing over them. Their bodies are also bloodless and cast no shadow. Obviously the city is empty and its a large city, you can pretty much equip yourself with any common low to mid value equipment you want but very little actual coin. Just remember you can't carry hordes of stuff so keep it within reason. If it is allright with the both of you when I start chapter 2 IC later today I will start the two of you off about a day's walk down the road (towards the desert), your first night out of the city. Would that work for you two? NOTE TO SELF: GET MAP UP I will be PMing the both of you with skills and your own personal clues later (to update here when I have done so). You can also move your characters into the character tab if you wish. Please. So I can find it easy. This OOC section gets cluttered. NOTE TO ANY NEWCOMERS: Yes we are still accepting and even if we get underway again we can still work you in so speak up and lets play!