[b]11:20pm[/b] Kim, once she was comfortably in her room, took several deep breaths trying to calm herself down. She pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes willing them to not fill with tears. After a few minutes she finally could breathe without it catching. She made for the bathroom, a hot shower was just what the doctor ordered. It wasn’t a long shower, Kim never took very long ones, that was the Californian in her. Once in her pj’s an old pair of sleeping pants with umbrellas on it, and an overlarge t-shirt borrowed and never returned from Zach. Kim settled into the bed, a memory foam type, with a deep sigh. She was finally relaxing a bit. Even without cell service Kim could still play music, and read. She plugged the phone in so it wouldn’t die on her. Flicked through her options of music and settled for the band Buster Blue. The paper book she had with her was one she was about two thirds of the way through, an annoying book that was only popular amongst the pretentious crowd. [b]11:45pm[/b] Kim had barely read a few sentences when there was a tentative hollow knock at her door. For a moment she didn’t think the knock is actually at her door, and then a third one makes it clear someone is indeed knocking at her door. Slightly startled by the knocking, she dropped her phone onto the bed after turning the screen off. She stood up and put on her slippers while walking over to the door. “Hello?” She asked through it confused. There was a moment when no one answered and Kim was convinced she had been hearing things. Her heart pounded hoping it wasn’t Klein. "H-hi...I heard music.” A female voice, Kim sighed relieved. “I was wondering if the party had ended already and...since I don't think it has, I was...wondering why someone would still be up here?" The woman’s voice got louder. "Um...Is that Kimberley?" After shifting uncertain for a second Kim answered, “Yeah it’s me.” Kim opened the door. She wasn’t 100% who was on the other side, but it sounded for sure like one of the others. “Lynn right?” She asked once she had full view of the other woman. "Yes," Lynn answered enthusiastically, as if she was excited to be recognized. With a heavy release of a held breath she said, "Hey, Kim." Lynn smiled, and relaxed, her shoulders dropping a little. Like when your grandmother leaves the room and you don’t have to sit up straight anymore. Kim noticed that Lynn held her shoes in one hand with her clutch purse. At least someone had a good night. "I...was wondering. Why aren't you down there enjoying the party?" “I,” Kim started and then, without just a brief pause finished. “I had my fill of partying.” Kim offers Lynn a gentle smile, but it does not reach her eyes. "And I thought people never got tired of partying." Lynn said with a tilt of her head and a shudder. Kim smiled, that was something she would have thought only a few months ago. "I got out as soon as I could; I couldn't take being surrounded by so many people anymore. It's really...claustrophobic for someone like me, haha. They all wanted to ask me about who knows what and I kinda...freaked out a little. Fortunately, I ran into Jonas, and he cheered me right up." Lynn’s voice dropped, become softer. "Hey. Did something happen to you, too?" Kim pulled at the oversized shirt, a stray string on a frayed edge. “Nothing out of the ordinary.” She finally responded, without looking Lynn in the eye. "Out of the ordinary, huh. I wonder what you'd call ordinary, in in a house full of strange rich people who've invited you halfway across the world, or further, just to stay in their house for a day or ten." Lynn said. Kim could tell that she wasn’t going to let it drop too easily. She felt weird talking about it in the doorway like that and was sort of tempted to invite Lynn in, but at the same time that felt like it would make the conversation last longer than she wanted it to. "Something must've happened. I heard the Wolfs weren't all too good to poor Jonas. Did that Sol say something to you too? Or that Lena? Or that...uh. Gertrud?" Lynn didn’t look too pleased to say the old woman’s name. Kim wondered why, she seemed nice enough, just like - Her thought cut off as she realized what Lynn was suggesting. “Oh no.” Kim’s eyes widened. “No the Wolves haven’t said anything.” She shook her head, then with a hesitant sigh said. “No just a guy at the party. Can’t escape people who lead you on right?” Her voice caught a little, and she pulled at the fraying string again. "That's good then." Lynn says with a smile, but then her features fall a bit. "A guy at the party, huh? Yeah...I wouldn't trust anyone here, girl. They all seem like they're in cahoots. The only people I think I can even trust are you lot." Lynn shrugged and Kim gave her an agreeing nod. "Besides. I bet you're too good for some German asswipe anyway." Lynn raised her eyebrow and laughed. It’s a nice laugh. Kim smiled, this time a bit reached her eyes. "They're crazy, Germans. In the weirdest way. They're so...well, you can never tell what they're really thinking. That's what I think of all Europeans to a degree." Lynn paused and when she starts to speak again this time she has a fake Italian accent. "Except anybody who-a speaks like-a this." Kim genuinely laughed. Lynn’s face lights up at Kim’s laugh. “I don’t know that makes me think of the guy from Sweeney Todd.” Kim now felt like maybe she could have an extended conversation with Lynn. “Want to come in for a bit?” She gestures back into the room and the couple of overstuffed armchairs. The ones perfect for sitting and reading in. "Sweeney Todd, eh? Is that an American movie or TV show? I don't think I've ever seen it. I'll add it to my list for when I get home, without a doubt." “It’s a musical. The one I’m talking about is a movie though. I never saw the play.” Kim explained. "Aaaah, okay." Lynn laughed a little, "See! You're not Miss Grump after all. Yeah, screw whoever that was. There's plenty of eyecandy here anyway." She then looked into the room. "Yours is different too, huh? This house gets crazier and crazier. I'm not complaining though. It's quite classy." “Thank you.” Kim smiled. “I thought it was perfect.” "And ah! There is hope in the world for us vagabonds." Lynn winked. "Thank you kind madame. I think I'll take you up on that offer." Lynn stood just at the edge of the room for a moment before gliding in. She looked around at the paintings and decor. Finally taking a seat in one of them, careful to not mess up her gown. She put her shoes and clutch on the floor next to the chair. Kim shut the door behind Lynn and followed her into the room. “Music on or off?” She asked, gesturing to her phone, which was currently playing “Science Sleep Dreams”. Kim picked the phone up, waiting for Lynn to answer. "Leave it on." Lynn said, waving her hand. "Always nice to have some ambience. It's new music to me, that's for sure." Kim nodded and dropped the phone back on the bed as it switched songs. “Did you hear about the rule for no phones at the party? I mean no one gets signal here right? At least I don’t, why would they have a rule for no phones?” Kim sat across from Lynn, curling her legs under herself. "There was a rule for no phones?" Lynn is quiet for a moment, and Kim can almost see the process of thought on her features. "Oh! Thaaat's what that bowl of phones was for! I thought it was some rich people charity donation or something. I'm not poor, don't get me wrong, but I'm not giving my baby to anyone." She dug her phone out and held it to her chest as if it were an actual baby. Kim grinned. "I don't get signal either. Neither does Jonas.” Lynn confirmed Kim’s suspicions. “So that must mean it's a trend. Maybe only local numbers do?" They are both quiet for a moment. Kim trying to figure out how they would keep only certain phones from not working. "Even so, I don't think I've ever gone to a party where they take my phone from me. How odd. Did they want to take yours? You still have it, so I presume you declined." Kim shook her head, “No Mr. Aust took...” She trailed off for a second before saying. “The guy’s phone.” "The guy who led you on?" Kim nodded. "I see. Aust, that guy back at the airport? I swear I thought all he did was go pick up people. He's not part of the active house staff. Wonder why he's getting up in people's business. What an ass." “Yeah I think that’s a good word for him.” Kim laughed. "Oh,” Lynn sighed dramatically. “You look so comfy in that chair! I'm stuck in this death trap with frills." Lynn shifted, looking ever the more uncomfortable. "How'd this guy lead you on, anyway? Did he just randomly say something, or disappear into the crowd?" “If you want you can go change. I won’t stop you.” Kim was quiet for a moment. Lynn shook her head, a quick no. “I guess technically he wasn’t leading me on or anything. It’s not like we were really hitting on each other. But after Mr. Aust took his phone he just hurried back into the ballroom. Wouldn’t even look at me. I guess maybe he would have explained if I had gone after him, but between that and Mr. Aust’s comments I was just too angry. That’s why I came up here early.” "That's so weird." The pair were quite for a few minutes both thinking. Lynn stared at the ceiling and Kim at the frayed end of her shirt. "Just takes his phone and he leaves, huh? What did Aust say? Something like,” Lynn puts on a fake voice again, this time going for a deep voice in an attempt to copy Aust’s sound. “'It's against the rules, blah blah blah'?" Lynn shook her head. “Pretty much. I asked him what he had told Klein, but he said ‘Just reminded him of the rules.’ Then I asked him why that would have chased him off like that and Aust said, ‘I didn’t say your name’, which just makes me think of something a Fey would say and I had to leave.” She sighed and leaned back in the chair looking a bit defeated. "How much do you want to bet it had absolutely nothing to do with the 'rules' and more with spending time with you? Was he doing anything with the phone? Maybe Aust was smart, the creep could have been taking pictures of you without your knowledge, haha." Lynn laughed dryly. Kim’s face heated up, turning bright red. “We took one together. He wasn’t sneaking any, I don’t think.” She pressed her cool fingers on her ears trying to stop the spread of the red. "Aww...that's real cute." Lynn laughed. "A little picture of you two. Though I don't hesitate to run taking any inappropriate pictures by him. But I don't know the guy. You do, miss." Lynn gave Kim a gentle smile. "Whatever, right? You'll probably never have to see him again after tonight. The only thing you'll have to live with is the things you take home, ten days from now. Everything else is temporary. Hell, I don't even know if I'll ever get to meet any of you ever again after this." Her voice trailing off. "So, Kim. What do you have waiting for you back in the...states, yeah?" “California,” Kim affirmed. “Not much actually. I just moved so I don’t know many people in the new town.” Kim was struggling a bit for words. “Maybe a job though. I applied for one at this library near the house.” Kim avoided ownership of the house, knowing she’d own it one day, but that meant the worst had happened.. “What about you?” She tried to switch the subject off of her for a bit. "California? I've always wanted to visit. Never been to the states after all, haha. Is it all beaches like they show off? With weird surfer dudes?" Lynn was smirking. “Oh god no, thank goodness. I live in the Central Valley, it’s all orchards and vineyards there. The beach is a few hours from me, and the surfing is only good in certain parts, mostly southern California. If you’re up north it’s just too cold for that.” "Gosh. America's states are all like their own little countries with how diverse they are internally...I come from a pretty small country, so I couldn't even imagine it being any more than a speck on your map." Kim watched Lynn’s eyes drift over to the bed, where the book she had been reading lay. "Librarian, huh? You gotta love to read for that. Got a pretty good head on your shoulders if you're reading [s]that[/s]." Kim laughed, stood and picked up the discarded book. She handed the book to Lynn to look at. “I guess. It’s confusing. I only started reading it because I heard the author was mad at his editor at the time so when he wrote it, on a typewriter, he just dumped the pages on the floor after each one he finished, but he never numbered them. So the editor had to try to put it back into an order that made sense. Needless to say, he did not do a good job.” Kim explained as she settled back into her seat. "Aloha, temper tantrums. He, the author that is, sounds like a barrel of fun and a half." Lynn started snickering and then it slowly rolled up into a true laugh. Kim couldn’t help but laugh too. "Oh, the poor editor! I can't even imagine what he had to go through. Safe to say, it doesn't make any sense, huh?" “Nope, but it is still considered a Great American Classic.” Kim rolled her eyes at that. “And of course curiosity got the better of me and I had to read the dang thing, despite my better judgement.” This was a comfortable subject. Books were easy to talk about. "Great American classics? Probably why I don't even recognise the title. On the Road, hm... I had had a book I read when I was curious as a teenager, though. The Catcher in the Rye? Safe to say, I was depressed for about a week after is finished it. I also didn't, for for the life of me, understand it." Lynn handed the book back to Kim who tossed it unceremoniously back onto the bed. “Well it helps that you’re not American. Don’t feel bad for not getting it, most people don’t. I don’t.” Kim shrugged. “Where are you from anyway?” "Haha. That's a funny question." Lynn flipped her hair a bit. "Born in the pearl of the middle eastern gulf, ethnically my folks are from India. Christian and all. Dubai, you've heard of it?” Kim nodded. “It's booming. It's where I call home. The accent probably comes from too much American TV as a kid. Even then, you can tell it isn't...any one place, huh. I'm a special snowflake." Kim laughed and Lynn winked again. Kim got the impression it was a common thing for Lynn to do. “Well I’ve never been to Dubai. Maybe after this is over we can make a point to visit each other. See even more of the world other than our own back yards and one crazy German family’s.” "Amen to that, girl." Lynn looked down at her wristwatch, got up arched her back, stretching her limbs out. "I wanna see the whole world someday. There's so much beautiful architecture and culture and art everywhere, and I wanna see it all with these eyes." Lynn picked her stuff up off of the floor. "And I think this is one and enough crazy German family backyards for me, heh." “I can get behind that, both of those notions actually.” Kim smiled, and stood as well, sensing the time for goodnights. "It's crazy late, huh. Time got away from me. Thanks for letting me in, hah. I'm glad I got to meet you, and get to know you, Kim." “No problem. Thank you for talking. It was nice. I’d like to talk more. I mean we do have what nine more days to enjoy each others presence.” Kim offered her hand for Lynn to shake, not sure if the woman was a hugger or not. "Nine more days, huh? Let's hope they won't fly by." Lynn said as she put her stuff back on the ground. She started with a handshake and then said, "Hey. C'mere, you." She pulled Kim into a hug, one that Kim was appreciative for. Lynn gave her a gentle pat and then the two released each other. "Don't cry anymore over some idiot, eh? Wasn't worth it. If you'd like, I'll break Aust's nose with my heels tomorrow. We good?" “We’re good, no need to break noses though.” Kim said laughing. "Aww! So disappointing. But I'm glad we're good, haha. Till tomorrow, eh, Kim?" Lynn picked up her stuff one more time and the two of them walked to the door. "Night, Kimmie." “Night, Lynn.” She smiled, and shut the door behind Lynn, alone again.