[center][b]September 8th, 1974[/b][/center] The Sunday before school starts you drive, either your own car, or your parents drive you. Upon arrival the [url=http://celebrityemotion.com//wp-content/gallery/maggie-smith/Maggie_Smith.jpg]Headmistress[/url] Standiford is waiting at the top of the steps. She greets you, and your parents warmly, directs you to the Gym for the welcoming ceremony. There you join the 99 (or so) other students that attend Northwood. Many look nervous, the weight of the previous year heavy on the crowd. The Freshman look around curious as to what the year will be like. Once everyone has sat down the Headmistress enters and greets the students. "Hello, and welcome to Northwood Academy. I look forward to what the new year will bring, as much as I am sure you all are. You will find your schedules, and room assignments under your name in the file over there." She gestures to a table organized by last name. "I'd like to talk about a few rules that have been instated since last year. First the lake is off limits without Ms. Reese there as a life guard. She will make sure to post a schedule of times that she will be there." A few groans came from the crowd, primarily the seniors. "Second a curfew is now mandatory for all upper class-men." A few more groans, this time a bit more angry. "Curfew for Freshman and Sophomores is nine pm. Curfew for Juniors and Seniors is ten. Lights out for everyone is ten thirty. Now please feel free to collect your welcome packet." The Headmistress steps away from the microphone allowing the students to file down and get their packets. Inside the packet you will find your room assignment, key, locker information, and a class schedule. Check the OOC for that information. You can pick your electives, sports and clubs, both are STRONGLY recommended. Please add this information to your CS.