Martox watched for a bit and finished his drink while listening to the others converse. He smiled inside, seeing how, even though it had been ten years since they had all come together last, they were all still good friends. It was not like strangers meeting and asking benign questions, but instead kin coming together to celebrate life and accomplishments. He walked to the barrel of ale and poured himself another drink. While he was taking a long sip, he heard Oryx give tribute. Martox brought the cup away from his lips and started to head outside near Oryx when Cerwi began singing. The words were foreign to him, but it was still obviously what he was singing. Martox had remembered hearing it before, but he couldn't place where. He began to hum the tune as stood next to Oryx and Desalith. [i]This is for you, my friends of old. Those I fought next to in a battle forgotten in time. Those who were lost, and those who still remain. We remember you, though most may not. The Archers Three, whom tale tells could fire 30 arrows in a second. Ozirys, the priest who could banish any evil. And... Of course. To you Concara. The greatest wizard I have ever had the grace of knowing. Who I was too foolish to be able to save for my neglect in healing magic. Your final words, and your staff, will remain with me until the end of days. I will meet you in the Great Beyond someday and greet you as an old friend.[/i] Martox tipped his drink to the side with a solemn look on his face and let the vast majority of it spill into the dirt where the ground would soak it up, just as it did with blood on that faithful day. Martox turned and reentered the cabin, taking a long pull of his drink and wiping his mouth clean afterwards. As he made his way back to the barrel again, he patted Cewri on his shoulder blade, seeing as that's as high as he could reach without tip-toeing. Then he refilled his mug and turned to the heroes and said, "This is not a day to mourn our fallen brethen, friends." He took a sip, "It is a day to remember them, and their achievements. To celebrate life, rather than recall their deaths." He extended his arm and put his cup in the air with a smile, gesturing for them all to clank together and drink.