[@Asuna Yuuki] [color=teal]"Phew! I don't know about you, but for me that was a tiresome day."[/color] Minako said, addressing her new roommate, after dropping in the bed like a rock. [color=teal]"To be sincere, I still can't believe that until a few hours ago I was doing my geometry homework and now, after that mad man's speech, knowing that all the effort I've put on it, even though I hate that, was for nothing, just makes me want to laugh... I just wonder, why I can't bring myself to it?"[/color] Minako breathed deeply and rubbed her eyes with the bakc of her armor clad hand, trying to control her emotions. If her partners thought that she was weak or fragile they could easily exploit her, but... she stole a quick glance of the other girl... if it was another girl, even if she looked to be a couple year younger than her, maybe she could understand, without Minako having to go out of her way to say what she, no, what everyone in this game was feeling right now. [color=teal]"Either way, I guess I'll have to deal with it for sometime. But..."[/color] Minako suddenly stopped talking and made a surprised face, [color=teal]"How stupid of me, hehe,"[/color] with a motion of her hand Minako summoned her interface and removed all of her equipment leaving only the standard underwear on, [color=teal]"How am I supposed to sleep while still wearing that armor?"[/color] Now that she was free of her armor restrictions, Minako turned face down on the bed and grabbed the pillow tightly before facing Asuna again, all the while she didn't stopped swinging her legs half-consciously, [color=teal]"Now, let's talk about something different. What are your objectives on this world, assuming that we'll stay here for sometime yet? I for once, plan to start a guild as soon as I've raised the money I'll need to it. I'll call it, hmmm... let me see... Aincrad Arts and Crafts Association, and I'll try to have as many craftsmen and entertainers as possible join it, that way we can make our word be heard when the top fighters begin need our equipment.[/color] [color=teal]"I know that it may sound stupid, trying to become some sort of CEO inside of a videogame, but my family has been dealing with real state business for a long time and my father taught me a lot about how to become a good businesswoman, so I think that doing this is my way of remembering they while I'm stuck on this world."[/color] Minako said with a wistful voice before becoming silent, uncertain if she had said too much and, or, was bothering Asuna in any way.