[@KoL] [color=f49ac2]"Hey, it's okay. This is pretty horrible for all of us," [/color] Asuna's voice softened when she noticed the other girl was slightly upset. "It's pretty surreal to know how real this all is. I can't believe we can actually die in here." Asuna removed her equipment on the interface, hesitating a little as she removed the cloak. [color=f49ac2]"Well, this is me. Sorry if I'm a little cold sometimes, it's just... I had planned to go solo for the game. I didn't expect to have to trust other people. I didn't really want to have to look after others."[/color] She smiled a little, and got into the bed. [color=f49ac2]"Hey, if you close your eyes, it's almost as if you're back at home, in your own bed,"[/color] She whispered, wrapping herself up in the blankets. [color=f49ac2]"If we weren't stuck, I would log out, and go to see my family. We would eat dinner, and talk, and I would tell them about the first day of the game... That would have been nice."[/color] Asuna laughed. [color=f49ac2]"How ironic, one minute I'm hiding under a cloak, not even telling you my name, and the next, I'm pouring out my life story."[/color]