[@Asuna Yuuki] [color=teal]"I'm sorry if I forced you on this without thinking first."[/color] Minako said while going under her own blankets and staring at the plain wooden roof above their heads, [color=teal]"It's just that I'm a little impulsive sometimes. When I see an opportunity I simply can't let it pass."[/color] [color=teal]"Anyway, since it's just the two of us now, I guess that I can tell you what that dear thing I was talking about earlier is."[/color] Minako stole a quick glance to see if the other girl was already sleeping, because she didn't wanted to look like a fool, before continuing, [color=teal]"The thing is... on real life I can't walk because of a car accident when I was small. I just don't like people pitying me, or thinking that I'm weak, because of that since I really don't care for it. Or thought that I didn't because being able to walk again is really awesome, so that you know."[/color] [color=teal]"I'm sorry for rumbling about me for so long. Anyway, I'm better now, so we should get some sleep, 'cause tomorrow's gonna be a long day for us."[/color] Minako said before turning to her right and trying to finally fall asleep, thinking that she had bothered enough people for one day. It was then that she just wondered, what were her parents thinking now? But before she could elaborate that thought further she was already a long way into the dream land.