[@Isotope] Err, I do sort of have a problem with infantry just having advance protection, full body chem suits just on hand. I'm fine with the tanks being able to button up so to speak in case of an attack, but one of the really deadly points of Agent 437 is that you can't just throw on a gasmask and some gloves and be fine. The stuff seeps through everything and burns organic flesh. The gasmask will just let you watch longer as your body practically melts and burns away in the cloud. If the Empire's presence was already known in the city, then I would understand if the soldiers came prepared, but this a sudden attack in an area that hasn't seen the Empire in a while. However, I can easily understand if both sides took the outskirts gasing as a warning and are now rushing to get more protective chemical gear to the front. Only time will tell...... (oooh, how ominous...) :D [quote=@Nightrunner] I'm feeling uncreative right now but have to just post, not that I'm unenthusiastic, just lazy and draggin'. Sorry guys. [/quote] No worries man, this isn't a rushed RP, so take your time.