This day was shaping into [i]wonderful[/i] one. Helen let the thought settle, her eyes narrowed and expression soured, as she had moved back to Pierce. The boy was firmly propped up by her vest and left in Adonai's care, the patient's breath steady and form sound asleep. It was the only thing that made her feel comfortable about the whole situation. One problem was solved but it seemed several more cropped up in its place, making this a complicated mess indeed. She immediately made her way back to the young girl, boy and her husband while the others decided their fate. It was something that made her as uncomfortable as the number of wounded in the group came to her, Helen's thoughts lingering toward giving every last one of them, from Adonai to the girl, herself included, an examination just to be safe. She doubted any of them had been seriously injured in the confrontation but being safe was in her nature. It had saved many people to date and likely would for many years in her career. Her boots clip clopped toward where she left her bag, her body squatting down and started to gather up her things. Making sure the unsoiled bandages, wraps, and her stethoscope had went back into her black bag, her mind was reflecting how crazy she was being. One thing deeply bothered her and made her question the right thing in this. Taking these children was basic kidnapping one-o-one, especially if someone other than the Inquisitor were looking for them, which made her fidget more and her fingers struggle in securing her bag closed once more. However leaving them alone was much worse with the trouble they seemed to have attracted. Inquisitors were difficult to shake off one's tail and there was no way to know how long the dearies had been on the run, drawing more sympathy from her than most could've. 'Never take a situation at full face value, Helen. Summoner's first lesson my gel, else it will bit you in the arse.' Her uncle's words echoed in her head, ripped from the past and tossed into her present. 'Second lesson, go with your gut. It usually is right for a reason.' Helen glanced toward Eli, Alan, the Dericho Rider, and some Serpentine, Drake, likely thinking of their next move. She hated the fact she couldn't go back to her clinic as she tossed over her father's words in her mind, fearing them apart and putting it back together much like Adonai did with his experiments. It was hard to know if words said was or after the man had become insane. Her thoughts turned inward, she carried Pierce into her arms when the small, mismatched group made their way into the Serpentine's mansion. Granted the Serpentine band was nothing more than old, snobbish money, but at least they weren't Inquisitors. Alan gave a low a whistle at the interior which she easily understand. Drake naturally was relieved at being home again, commenting it loudly as he snapped his fingers. The loud sound echoed through the large marble walls causing Helen to notice Drake turn toward her. His face looking smug and like he owed the world while he mentioned the medical won't and to bring Eli along. Helen snorted at the man's callow manners while she mentally spoke to Ignis, her silent retort held back since he was considerate enough to take them in. [i][color=pink]Ignis, mind making sure Eli follows? Given his nature, I think he'll be stupid enough to drag his feet and delay his treatment. You have full permission to do whatever you feel is necessary to make sure he follows dearie, as long as you don't cause too much damage.[/color][/i] With that last statement, she gave Sira a look caused the nuzzling fur ball made from light at her ankles to dart off. The tom's head started to rub and brash against Perdiot's leg, begging to be picked up, while he mew for attention. His bright eyes seemed to cry for attention though he was still disgruntled at being denied his dues by Helen, his bitterness flickered in the summoner's core. It made Helen roll her eyes at the testy tabby. Readjusting the boy in her arms, she smiled at the girl and spoke softly. [color=pink]"Come along dearie, and stick close to Adonai and me. Also, young lady"[/color], Helen turned to face Alan's friend with the blade and fellow band member, gesturing her toward the small gather group made from the two children, Eli, Adonai and herself. [color=pink]"You'll need follow us as well. I want to inspect that slice and best to git you all done at once. And don't argue with me. Eli, also don't drag your feet. Drake's manners might need work but you're not exactly a gentleman yourself."[/color] With that thought in mind, she followed the maid to the west wing where Drake indicated the medical ward was. Expecting all those she spoke to follow her without a fight and allow her to patch them up finally.