Thanks for all the sheets so far. However, I do feel the application process has been somewhat misunderstood. Whilst you are indeed answering in 'first person', please keep in mind that your character is supposed to be applying to a school who are going to effectively be paying for them to live rent-free for the next however many years. I think the tone of the sheets is a little too casual, and whilst I love the effort some of you have gone to in order to put your character's "Stamp" on it, I feel that it is becoming a distraction. • Answers such as height, hair colour etc should be brief and factual. i.e. "5ft." or "Brown". • The area of most concern is the powers section. That really needs to be taken seriously in order for us to understand what each power is capable of. For example, try to write in the following style: "My power has been described as pyrokinesis. In essence, I am able to manipulate fire and heat in all its forms. This allows me to control flames in a variety of ways, such as making them grow, increasing their heat and causing them to take on shapes. I am also able to absorb heat and withstand extremely high temperatures of up to 1000 degrees; I am practically impervious to burns. In order for my powers to work, there must be heat around. The bigger I make a flame, the more oxygen it consumes, and in closed spaces this can be problematic. I am also not immune to smoke so it is important for me to have ventilation when using my abilities." That was just a brief example. We need as much detail as possible here, saying clearly what your character can and cannot do. So please try to avoid putting too much personality here; the chance for your characters personality to shine through should be in the Personal Statement and in the Sample Post. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but as several sheets in a row have had this issue I though I should speak up and nip it in the bud. I will try to reword the OP so that our request is more clear. In the meantime, if you could edit your sheets to be more factual, we would be hugely appreciative. Shard and I will confer over all the sheets tomorrow afternoon and reply to each individual with our feedback. I am reluctant to give feedback or accept characters until the two of us have discussed them in detail. Apologies again, please keep the sheets coming. [hr] As for the photos, we would request real photographic faceclaims unless your character displays a physical mutation, in which case realistic artwork is permitted. (though photos still preferred). [hr] I will post my own sheet in due course. Hopefully that will serve as a reference for people who have misunderstood the concept of the application forms.