-Makoto Aiko/Aikoto- [i]"Hm, I must of miscalculated how she would react to a degree. I expected some sort of denying to my action as she is a very strong willed woman who I easily understand holding her own. I can only hope that she isn't really like Kazuki, otherwise we could be in trouble. She doesn't seem too rash nor too overly-confident right now, but I feel she desires that type of freedom... maybe, maybe I'm incorrect." "Umichi seems quiet for the most part and is a tad bit focused than I and the others! Ugh, how could we of let our guard down in such dire times like these? I'm glad someone was paying attention, or one of us would been forced to pay the price... we wouldn't of died from my inference, but we do have to stay vigilant as there are others who are probably not as forgiving as some of us." "Ritaka has done more than his fair share to an extent as he understands this realm better than the rest of us. He doesn't feel like a leader, but more or less like our guide through this forlorn place. Leaders are the people everyone follows, however guides you can always trust. He warrants the face of someone who wouldn't do no harm to another, so I like the guy."[/i] As he let those thoughts settle in his head, he felt the need to stay careful because anything could change as they all looked to be moldable just like him. He could trust them, yes, but how far did that trust exactly extend itself in a dangerous world where anyone could probably make a face heel turn. The boy annoyingly dispeled those thoughts as there was no need to be seeing the world in such a negative facet, and mentally cursed himself for not keeping an eye on things. He recalled the twos comments about when he asked about this world, Suki finding it rather ravishing, even with the challenge. Umichi missed his main question, but he encouraged his secondary thought to go into play which he was thankful for. As he wandered with the trio, it wasn't long until he spot the dim lights of the town with the others. As they went to the inn, he decided to segregate himself from them as he felt the need to remove the cloudiness within his head. The boy snuck away as quietly as he could, and redrew his sword in a discreet place in the town. Kendo always lightened his spirits, so maybe it would work here in this place too. The boy let out a soft breath as he gripped the blades hilt with two of his hands, his mind becoming blank. Makoto kept himself calm an collected as if nothing peculiar was transpiring for the most part. In a few moments, he left out a wave of slices at a swift pace, his eyes fixated on some invisible opponent trying to end his life. As he practice, he forgot a bit about the world around him, and was swiftly brought back to reality. "Well, surprise, surprise, Makoto is at it again, practicing Kendo to reach enlightenment or some crap?" The boy broke from his trance, fumbling a bit with his sword as he was slightly cut off guard, and pointed it in the direction of a familiar female. His eyebrows furrowed as he slightly frowned at the girl who was ensnared with him and the others fighting for their lives. He could understand he coming to this town to collect, but he could tell from her tone of voice that she was pissed. Searching, his sword, he walked toward the girl who stared daggers at the boy. He knew that they both went head to head sometimes, but he hoped she would understand the pretense of the situation. "Kazuki, it's nice to see that your here. Gathering? No wait, you don't want to go along with my plans, even thought you know its for the best. Its too risky , plus its for the best as we have our own roles to pl-" "Roles, roles, roles Makoto, it doesn't matter! Let us choose our own path! We aren't people you consistently need to keep a birds eye on, and I can fend for myself dummy! I want to fight, not spend all day collecting items for people to se-" "Look, its for the best so please calm down Kazuki as you need to understand. You guys take too much of a risk at times, I don't. This whole place is sort of a function of sorts! We need a correct balance of people to perform, otherwise we might not make it!" "Yeah, but your endangering yourself idiot, plus you never took any consideration for us and what we wanted t-" "I did, and that's why-" "Let me finish! What we truly wanted to do! We aren't there to constantly be watched over. The other two were livid about their jobs, but I'm not. I'm fighting alongside you whether you like it or not! Now if you'll excuse me Makoto, I'm off to get some rest and train so we can escape! Don't you dare try to talk me out of this!" "Kazuki, wait!" Makoto saw the girl leave with a huff, ignoring his responses as she made her way to the inn. The boy jammed his fist into the tree before seeing the immortal object screen pop up beside it. He grinded his teeth and stared in irritation at his own feet, as if they were the cause of all this. He could only wonder what was going through Kazukis head as they spoke. He wasn't trying to protect, he was... trying to do what he thought was the best thing for everyone. He felt the need to clear his head, and walked outside town for a bit, and began working on slicing up any remaining mobs around the town. As he did so, myriads of thoughts roamed the tracks in his head, unable to find closure. Eventually, after finishing his slaughter, he briefly sighed and rubbed the lense of his glasses with his shirt be for returning them to his neutral appearing face. With a sigh, he trudged back to the town in search of the inn. As he did so, he took note of the people around him, along with some of the shops. Night really was something, but eventually it would be gone again, and return upon a person becoming ignorant. That was what it would be like every day, wouldn't it? With the help of Ritaka, he could possibly light the way to a degree. Upon reaching the doors of the inn, he sheathed his sword, put on a calm demeanor, and entered into the room. As he did so, he looks and eventually came upon his companions who were dining on familiar cuisine. He resisted glomping down the food, and paid the NPC for a room before joining them. He took a seat next to one of them, and looks them over before asking in a mundane way. "So, what have I missed?"