My character sheet has been posted, so now you have a reference as to what we're looking for when writing your character sheets. However, I will also say that TheWizardLizard has [i]nailed[/i] his sheet. His can be looked at for guidance, too. I will hold off on giving critique or feedback, or accepting any characters, until I have conferred with Shard. [quote=@Dead Cruiser] I have a few ideas for characters, I'd just like to run them by you to see which you prefer. -A biokinetic with severe mutation-induced psychosis, wherein he is subjected to constant, disturbing hallucinations. -A genius with the ability to manipulate electrons on an individual scale, giving him control over electronics, but lacking in the ability to use "flashy" electrokinetic abilities. -An ionokinetic whose abilities cause so much collateral damage that he has next to no experience in actually using them. -Similar to the third idea, but a character forced to wear a power limiter to keep their abilities in check, and greatly resents it. Thoughts? [/quote] My favourite is the second idea because I can see how it would work most clearly. However, all of the ideas have potential and if you fleshed them out in a character sheet I would be able to offer more guidance. I will say that my least favourite idea is the first one. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.