Penelope walked down to the small collection of mailboxes near the front of her apartment block. Picking up the assortment of letters, she boredly shuffled through them as she walked back up to the small flat she shared with her mother. She was surprised to see that one was addressed to her. [color=f49ac2]"How strange,"[/color] She said to herself as she opened the front door and walked into the living room, where she found her mother sitting on the faded dark green couch, watching reruns of some old 80s show. [color=2e3192]"Gimme the mail, Penny,"[/color]her mother mumbled, eyes glued to the screen. Penelope sullenly handed her mother the mail, save for the one letter for herself. [color=2e3192]"There's a list of things I need you to buy a the supermarket on the table."[/color] Penelope sighed and went into the kitchen, picking up the list of items. [color=f49ac2]"Being on summer holidays is meant to be fun and relaxing..."[/color] She mumbled, putting the list into her purse along with the twenty other ones she had followed throughout the three weeks alone. Her mother ate so much, and asked for even more. Sometimes Penelope wondered what would have happened if her father had stayed with them... Grabbing a drink from the fridge, Penelope opened the letter and read it, eyes widening as she considered the hugeness of the details. She would get to go to an island, for free no less. And it sounded like she would get whatever she desired, if she asked for it. She smiled, excited by the prospect of a new life. She knew her mother would never let her go, but... She was almost an adult! She was determined to go to this island and discover new things. Alicia wandered into the room, mewling for food. [color=f49ac2]"Hey there, want a treat? We're going to go on a journey..."[/color] Three days later, Penelope was about to board a plane to Hawaii, struggling with her suitcase containing her meager belongings, which consisted of her clothes and a book called, [i]'The Haunted Symphony'[/i] while also juggling a cat carrier with a hissing cat inside. One of the flight attendants walked up to her. [color=82ca9d]"Can I help you with boarding? Your cat will need to go in a special area of the plane, but she should be perfectly safe."[/color] Penelope smiled. [color=f49ac2]"Thanks so much."[/color] The man helped her onto the plane, and as he handed her her carry on bag, he pressed 5 crisp $100 bills into her hand. [color=f49ac2]"W-what?"[/color] Penelope said, confused. [color=82ca9d]"I know where you're heading, Penelope."[/color] He smiled and walked away, leaving Penelope gobsmacked. [color=f49ac2]"Perhaps this 'Null' is more important than I thought..."[/color] She whispered to herself as the plane began to take off. When she landed, she collected her belongings and headed to the port where the ferry was said to arrive. She held her breath with excitement as she waited for it to arrive. [color=f49ac2]"Are you as excited as I am, Alicia?"[/color] She whispered to her cat, who seemed more eager to exit the cage rather than eager about the journey ahead. [color=f49ac2]"Oh look, the ferry is about to dock!"[/color]