[quote=@Isotope] Skepic you do know that most soldiers today have CBRN on hand as a leftover procedure from the cold war encase of nuclear attack on the front? I easily can see your agent defeating the suits (NBC suits were fairly dynamic in the cold war as each side made better chemical weapons) but they would be on hand for the simple reason that threats from NBC vectors do exist in more ways than just your one chemical. With that in mind I would have to say better suits would exist on order but are more expensive, for the simple reason that WMD level chemical weapons can wipe out an entire army in five minutes flat. [/quote] Yeah that's what I'm sayin. The devastation of the outskirts was do mainly because nobody saw it coming. Nobody even had proper equipment, let alone get it on fast enough before the stuff stuck to them. Thus the forces within the inner city will be scrambling to break those crates open and make sure everyone has some sort of protection now that the Empire is hear to gas everyone. Also, just for fair warning, Agent 437 isn't the only horrible, disgustingly brutal chemical weapon the city will witness. ;) /also yes, I know soldiers still have their cold war prep gear. I actually got a cousin who drives M1A1s and is always complaining how dust gets in the tanks while in convoys cause they're all from 1985 and non of their seals have been replaced. XD