Cewri sighed and nodded at Martox’s suggestion. “You’re right.” He reached over and scooped himself more drink for the toast. He clanked his oversized tankard against the others’, “To their memory. May the world remember that which shall never fade from our minds and hearts.” He downed half the tankard in one pull, and brought it down on to the table. He saw Oryx squirming. [i]He must be thinking about the triplets. Only thing I’ve seen that made him that uncomfortable—not even the Rawheads got to him that bad.[/i] So he decided to change the subject to something, which while still concerning, was not as disturbing. “Say, when do you guys think Celeste is going to show up?” Cewri said, “Can’t be a fight holding her up. It would take so many foes to keep her tied down that we’d hear it.” If anything, he bet that she stuck herself trouncing ne’er-do-wells on the way.